Money wasted and lives ruined … and for what?
But if "Bridges to nowhere" start springing up in the boondocks, it will probably be money wasted.
But if you're not willing to dedicate human resources to interact with visitors, it'll be money wasted. "it's not an event."
The Dluskis' home, however, was an hour's commute by horse-drawn bus from the university, and Marie resented the lost time, not to mention the money wasted on carfare.
It calculated that the money wasted on the 88% of recipients who would have attended college anyway was outweighed by the savings made (in welfare benefits) on the 12% who wouldn't have.
This means that money should not be wasted.
We have our problem definition, the defect being the cost of food not consumed by the customer that spoiled per week; and we have our business metric: wasted money on inventory.
Advice from other mature believers can save you time wasted doing the wrong thing. It can save you from wasting money.
Some of this money will inevitably be wasted and Banks' non-performing loans will rise in future years as payments come due.
Moreover, not only is the initial effort wasted, but money and time are further wasted in rediscovering this lost information when changes are required.
This is good advice as my own first robot I aimed too high, wasted a lot of money, and it never really worked.
Unplanned spending, as a rule, usually results in 20-30 percent of our money being wasted because we obtain poor value with our purchases.
But if they pay in advance it isn't until they get the renewal bill at the end of the year that they realize how much money they've 'wasted' and by then they are out of the habit of exercising.
The money is often wasted, for example on billiard tables, barbecues and, in one case, defibrillators.
He says about two-thirds of the cost can be paid for with money that is currently being "wasted," he says, in federal health care programs.
England wrote his original contact, who went by the name Huang Siyuan, asking to be reimbursed for the time and money he wasted on the bogus alpaca sales.
Instead, learn to be satisfied with having enough -and then use the time you would have wasted trying to earn money to buy those things... use that time doing things you love.
It's wasted money unless it solves consumer problems.
Advice from other mature believers can save you time wasted doing the wrong thing. It can save you from wasting money. It can save your reputation.
We wasted several years and this is a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of effort.
Everyone wasted obscene amounts of money, food, EVERYTHING — for fun.
Similarly, if someone buys something and then asks for your opinion, there is no need to tell him that you think he wasted his money. The truth would only have been helpful before the purchase.
I wasted a lot of time and money (and therapists' time) by not really doing a lot of work, just showing up every week and going through the motions.
If you simply list the previously mentioned options, they might never realize how much money could be wasted going with the option that at first glance seems most reasonable.
He is the first to admit that measuring the right thing is not easy, and he has wasted money by measuring the wrong things.
If the gift is not returnable, you've wasted your money.
Given the scale of the spending, some money is sure to have been wasted, but by and large, investment in roads, railways and the electricity grid will help China sustain its growth in the years ahead.
Given the scale of the spending, some money is sure to have been wasted, but by and large, investment in roads, railways and the electricity grid will help China sustain its growth in the years ahead.