After implementation, the system was test by the monitor program, which was developed in 631 research institute.
A place in a computer program usually specified by an instruction where its execution may be interrupted by external intervention or by a monitor program.
A software system which matches the control system is developed, which includes the model-slice program, motion-test program, prototyping program and monitor program.
The content meets wants: the civil trial monitor program is one kind of relief procedure which for the correction misjudged law case, the guarantee lawsuit fair sets up.
Our country present "Civil procedure law" to "the Civil procedure law (Implementation)" the trial monitor program stipulated that has made some supplements and the consummation.
The system consists of upper computer software, RS232-485 converter, every kind of modules and cables. And finally the monitor program is designed with the sequential query mode.
In addition, updated power monitoring chip of X5045 is used not only to monitor program against the program running over, but also to store data and important parameters when power is off.
We also examined a program with which you can start and stop servers and monitor their progress, as well as view all the notifications sent through the system.
In Part 1, we introduced the concept of a transaction processing monitor (TPM), a program that coordinates the execution of distributed transactions on behalf of an application.
A special program called a trigger monitor receives the trigger message from the queue manager, reads the process definition, and then runs the command line task specified there.
The World food Program has a policy of only distributing food in areas where it can monitor distribution to ensure food reaches the most needy.
Also, programs that monitor system state or provide system login should run at high RT priority so that the program is allowed to preempt the problematic threads.
Take Senegal, where a community program is planning to monitor child nutrition using ICT-text messages on children’s weight and health.
It plans to launch a pilot surveillance program to monitor bee-health at the beginning of next year.
The Perl code is necessary because the trigger monitor assumes the program to be started has been written for triggering and passes the entire TMC2 trigger message as a parameter.
You can use the techniques described in this article to enhance the authentication options of your existing Perl applications or monitor the mouse usage in an existing program.
As described, this program will monitor the current typing patterns and lock the screen when the signature differs from that recorded in the keystroke.signatures file.
如述,此程序将监视当前的键入模式并在签名不同于keystroke. signatures文件中记录的内容时锁定屏幕。
For runtime errors, Eclipse lets you set breakpoints, monitor variables, manually change variables, and step through program execution by line or method.
The booster program is also working with its partners to develop a system to monitor the progress of malaria-control efforts, given the strong result-focus of the Program. says Pierre-Louis.
另外,基于该方案非常重视结果,“推动方案”正在与合作伙伴一道建立一个监控疟疾防治工作进展的体制,Pierre- Louis说。
The simplest use replaces the traditional cat utility with pv to feed bytes to another program and measure overall throughput. For instance, you can use pv to monitor a lengthy compress operation
The debug monitor provides a set of primitive commands to view and modify memory locations and registers, create and remove breakpoints, and execute your program.
This study is part of efforts by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program to monitor the quality of the nation's groundwater and surface water.
A qualified host must have tacit cooperation with the monitor, can communicate with the monitor, clear squad leader program, squad leader can not command at the scene, will not form downtime.
Monitor whether the beneficiary USES the grant according to the plan and in case of a breach, warn the beneficiary and inform to the livelihoods program manager.
Before testing the application, start a program called cicstail to monitor the cics call so you can be sure that the COBOL program gets invoked. To run this program, open a command window and execute.
The third work of this paper is introducing the slope limit analysis program EMU into the analysis of slope monitor data.
The third work of this paper is introducing the slope limit analysis program EMU into the analysis of slope monitor data.