Nelson Mandela himself has said that only Morgan Freeman could portray him. And so Freeman was the first actor cast.
In the movie, they left the line, "Maybe it's 'cause I'm Irish", in as a joke, even after they had cast Morgan Freeman as Red.
In 2004 Morgan Freeman and others formed the Grenada Relief Fund to aid people affected by Hurricane Ivan on the island of Grenada.
But for now you can follow in the footsteps of Morgan Freeman, who walked through the market in the latest Batman movie "the Dark Knight".
It was no different with the wonderful film, The Bucket List, starring those icons of inspiration, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.
Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman, Damien Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Cruise, Ron Livingston, and Tom Berenger are at the top of my list.
The film opens with yet another voiceover narration by Morgan Freeman, extolling the saintly virtues of a white person who deserves our reverence.
Some also complained that the posters for the high-tech action thriller co-starring James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman were unsuitable to be seen by children.
Some also complained that the posters for the high-tech action thriller co-starring James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman were unsuitable to be seen by children.
Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman will receive a lifetime achievement award from the American Film Institute, the AFI said, calling him an "American treasure".
You know the ones: the close-ups on the losers during the winner's speech, the quick cut to Morgan Freeman when someone makes a faintly racial joke (" he's laughing! So it's not racist! ").
你知道的这些趣事:获奖者发表感言时对落选人的脸部特写,当有人开一个关于种族的笑话时会给Morgan Freeman一个镜头(他笑了,说明他不是种族主义者!)
Morgan Freeman radiates tough wisdom as Lucius Fox, the scientist who designs those wonderful toys — wait till you get a load of the Batpod — but who finds his own standards being compromised.
Morgan Freeman radiates tough wisdom as Lucius Fox, the scientist who designs those wonderful toys — wait till you get a load of the Batpod — but who finds his own standards being compromised.