C. Despiteof bad credit, a mortgage lender will trade with you.
Countrywide, the nation's largest mortgage lender, was in trouble.
Countrywide, America's largest mortgage lender, was bailed out by Bank of America.
In areas prone to floods, your mortgage lender may require you to buy the coverage.
It continues to book more bad debts from Countrywide, a mortgage lender it bought last year.
Countrywide, the biggest us mortgage lender, will cut up to 20% of its staff, as business slumps.
You can negotiate this with your mortgage lender, particularly if you are a first time home buyer .
Their reputation has yet to recover fully from the collapse of Northern Rock, a mortgage lender, in 2007.
Another, integrating the acquisitions of Countrywide, a mortgage lender, and Merrill, remains unattained.
United Commercial's origins were humble, as a savings bank and mortgage lender for the Chinese in San Francisco.
As noted, if you live in a high-risk area for flooding, your mortgage lender will insist you buy flood insurance.
Britain's biggest mortgage lender said house prices fell by a record 14.9% in October compared with last year.
This means that the mortgage lender has filed court papers and will be foreclosing on the property within a few months.
Several lenders, including Countrywide, America's largest mortgage lender, have stopped making no-money-down mortgage loans.
A mortgage lender doesn't want to lend more than the property is worth because that would mean a loan-to-value ratio over one.
After Merrill Lynch's sale to bank of America, HBOS, a British mortgage lender, has also sought refuge within a bank, Lloyds TSB.
继美洲银行收购美林之后,英国抵押贷款商hbos也收到了Lloyds TSB橄榄枝。
Foreclosure is the legal process that your mortgage lender USES to take your home when you fall behind on your mortgage payments.
But when the mortgage lender showed me our joint credit report, I saw that Clarissa had a couple of thousand dollars on her own card.
Almost every major affordable home mortgage lender has been in the US has involved, either directly or indirectly, in homeowner counseling.
The FSA’s weaknesses in the area of prudential supervision of banks were made clear in 2007 with the collapse of Northern Rock, a mortgage lender.
His conquests included the Countrywide Financial Group, the giant mortgage lender which, for many, came to symbolize the excesses of the subprime era.
Within a day of Lehman going bust, Britain's biggest mortgage lender, HBOS, was on the brink of collapse and by early October so was Royal Bank of Scotland.
The shares of Countrywide fell by another 28% on January 8th, as America's largest mortgage lender was again led to deny rumours of imminent bankruptcy.
In 2007 Northern Rock, a British mortgage lender, was the first spectacular casualty of this false assumption; many more Banks have been caught out in 2008.
Countrywide Bank is part of Countrywide Financial Corp, the largest mortgage lender in the United States with a big stake in the troubled subprime mortgage market.
Mr Botín, a fourth-generation banker, has a tight grip over his company and has keenly pursued deals, such as the purchase of Britain’s Abbey National, a mortgage lender, in 2004.
The bank is fighting lawsuits and credit problems related to its ill-fated acquisition of home mortgage lender Countrywide Financial Corp three years ago as the U.S. housing bubble burst.
或是时运不济,三年前美国银行在房地产泡沫破裂之时收购了家庭抵押贷款型公司—美国国家金融服务公司(Country wide Financial Corp),目前正官司缠身,面临信用问题。
They are trying to negotiate with their mortgage lender to see if they can freeze their house payments — or even receive help with legal bills — until the dispute over the antenna is resolved.
他们正在与他们的房屋购买按揭提供者谈判可否冻结他们的房屋付款——甚或是接受法律援助- - -直到有关天线的纠纷了结。
Then the first bank run in Britain since Victorian times was stopped only when the Treasury guaranteed all the deposits at beleaguered Northern Rock, the country's fifth-biggest mortgage lender.
If you fail to pay on the mortgage, the lender can seize the property and sell it.