Our tax regime is one of the most favourable in Europe.
This is the most favourable period for travelling in Russia.
If there is any need, we'd like to supply you with a loan at the most favourable rate.
Will be accompanied in the most favourable prices and excellent service waiting for you!
To fight efficiently against signs of aging skin, THE NIGHT is the most favourable time…
Finding a most favourable point of aggregate employee turnover is hypothetically possible.
If there is any need, we would like to supply you with a loan at the most favourable rate.
The cell suspension cultures for 8days were most favourable for the formation of cell clones.
The talc-schist , talcmarble and biotite-schist are the most favourable hosting rocks to mineralization.
At what precise moment will the moon be in the most favourable position to be reached by the projectile?
Please note that we have given you our most favourable price and we trust that the above will be acceptable to you.
So it is understandable that a disillusioned spouse, and his or her lawyer, will try hard to get the most favourable jurisdiction.
The geochemical character of metavolcanics has shown that their most favourable tectonic environment was an arc-island model.
We feel sure that you will give our claim your most favourable consideration and let us have your settlement at an early date.
Southern middle area of the depression as main Neogene hydrocarbon accumulative area, also is the most favourable prospect target.
He criticised the practice of "rating shopping" by companies that offer their business to the agency that provides the most favourable rating.
As the market is declining, we hope you will consider our counter-offer most favourable and fax us acceptance at your earliest convenience.
I'm sure you'll find our price most favourable. Elsewhere prices for hardware have gone up tremendously in recent years. our prices haven't changed much.
This paper discusses the dip-dyeing process of polyamide and cotton blends. The central rotatable p1an is applied to optimize the most favourable process conditions.
It is believed that the Ordovician buried-hills developed along fractures are the most favourable exploration targets of Paleozoic buried-hill zones in this study area.
Living laws conforming to the body biological clock can make your body be in a most favourable state, owning good immunity and being able to resist diseases effectively.
We will provide the highest quality products, the most favourable price, the most beautiful service and the most sincerely cooperation with you to create a good business.
The forwarder under Tailai Co. , Ltd. can deal with agent business of international transportation in air and sea, and can supply the client with the most favourable price and service.
The most favourable depositional environment for coal accumulation is the seashore plain formed by regression and the delta plain formed by the entering of rivers into the shallow bay.
A reform in 2001 called Brussels II tried to stop forum shopping, in which each party sought the most favourable jurisdiction, by ruling that the first court to be approached decides the divorce.
2001年一次名为“布鲁塞尔二号(Brussels II)”的改革规定离婚必须由诉讼送达的首个法院来判决,以防止“选购法院(forumshopping)”行为,亦即离婚当事人选择对自己最有利的法院提起诉讼。
But even in the most favourable circumstances only a small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way before decay sets in or, even more likely, before scavengers eat them.
But even in the most favourable circumstances only a small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way before decay sets in or, even more likely, before scavengers eat them.