"Be patient," Mother Nature said.
Long ago Mother Nature gave each tree a different purpose.
The artist was finally humbled by the greatest artist on earth, Mother Nature.
Fir Tree told Mother Nature that he wanted his leaves to change colours too.
I've heard from and talked to many people who described how Mother Nature simplified their lives for them.
But yes, I hope we do get enough cases, that Mother Nature allows us to see enough genesis cases so that we can say this was a successful mission.
Mother Nature evolved an array detector - no one response is specific, but the overall pattern of response is specific.
You must think pretty highly of me, at this point. But keep in mind that Mother Nature rules all.
But in the grand scheme of things, geologists say this is just Mother Nature as usual.
Caves belong to the most enigmatic formations, created by Mother Nature on the surface of planet Earth, or, to be more accurate, beneath it.
What is gone is not only the area of water, but also part of Mother Nature and the Ecosystem.
Indeed, if you could preclude hardware failures and Mother Nature, a UNIX system might run perpetually.
But it's still a pretty nifty result, and I, for one, remain in awe of the extraordinary power of Mother Nature.
Borrowing from Mother Nature, a team of MIT researchers has built a school of swimming robo-fish that slip through the water just as gracefully as the real thing, if not quite as fast.
You might regard Mother Nature in general as your enemy, and envisage human life as a struggle to get the better of Mother Nature.
As we age our metabolic rate naturally slows down, just another joke Mother Nature plays on us.
Mother Nature follows the principle of redundancy by selecting a simple mechanism or module as a building block for a complex system and then using that module over and over again in other systems.
Mother Nature isn’t causing the suspicious number of aftershocks, either, and it should be obvious to your seismologists and geologists that something is horribly awry.
He says it's unclear what part of the damage is from Mother nature and which is from human nature.
It may seem very peaceful right now, but this village has just suffered the wrath of Mother Nature.
This option may be a bit tacky, but using a PC chassis as a bird feeder is definitely an interesting way to repay Mother Nature.
Each spring, Mother Nature gives part of Mars a facelift using tools not available on Earth.
It was meticulously recorded throughout the history of mankind that good humour, lightheartedness and religious beliefs are the most powerful self-healing instruments given to us by the Mother Nature.
Today we decided to display photographs, where these two incredibly interesting elements meet: mighty trains, created by men, and magnificent mountains, created by Mother Nature.
These rare creations are called snow rollers, and Mother Nature makes them all by herself. Snow rollers form when wet snow falls on ground that is icy, so snow won't stick to it.
In "the Abyss," a highly sophisticated mobile drilling station is no match for Mother Nature, which nearly destroys the Deep Core base during a particularly nasty hurricane.
Around the world, rivers, lakes, and aquifers are dwindling faster than Mother Nature can possibly replenish them; industrial and household chemicals are rapidly polluting what's left.
No matter how much we're succeeding in pretty much every other walk of life, women are failing miserably at beating back that pesky thing called Mother Nature.
Jobs come to an end, people get sick, and Mother Nature often comes at the worst possible moment.
Jobs come to an end, people get sick, and Mother Nature often comes at the worst possible moment.