Mother Jones was arrested many times.
In a long piece at Mother Jones, Mr Drum gives some sense of what he's looking for.
在Mother Jones的一篇长文中,Drum先生提出了一些他所期待的意义。
That song is called "The Death of Mother Jones." Gene Autry recorded it three months after she died in nineteen thirty.
刚才你听到的这首歌叫《TheDeathofMother Jones》(《琼斯妈妈之死》),这首歌是由吉恩.奥特丽在1930年琼斯妈妈去逝三个月后录制的。
Mother Jones died after celebrating, supposedly, her one hundredth birthday in nineteen thirty. Professor Gorn says she was really ninety-three.
A letter attached to a photocopy of a Mother Jones article from 1978 describes the newsmagazine as a "locally-produced scandal sheet published by a dissident group".
That is also the name of a book from two thousand one by Elliott Gorn, a professor now at Brown University in Rhode Island. His research produced new information about Mother Jones.
Jones: What does your mother do?
On Tuesday night, a spokesman for the Bridget Jones and About a Boy actor confirmed the news but declined to say who the baby’s mother was.
本周二晚,休•格兰特的发言人证实他晋升奶爸,但拒绝透露孩子母亲是谁。 格兰特曾出演《BJ单身日记》和《单亲插班生》。
The Captain called the Sergeant in. "Sarge, I just got a telegram. Private Jones' mother died yesterday. Better go tell him and send him in to see me."
Norah Jones was born on March 30, 1979, in New York City. She is the daughter of the legendary Ravi Shankar, a very famous guitar player, but Norah was brought up entirely by her mother Sue.
Yet even as she honed her reputation as a chain-smoking party-loving night crawler Margaret also proved herself a loving mother to her two children with armstrong-jones.
Yet even as she honed her reputation as a chain-smoking party-loving night crawler Margaret also proved herself a loving mother to her two children with armstrong-jones.