The resulting hybrid grew into a tiny embryo known as a blastocyst, implanted into the womb of a surrogate mother, and went on to become Dolly.
She had no qualms about taking Colleen's place, both as surrogate mother and as Henry's lover.
The couple used the same surrogate mother four years later when they went on to become fathers to Orlando, seven, who will also be christened at the service.
A farmer who gave three orphaned fox cubs a children's toy was shocked when the youngsters welcomed the cuddly animal as their surrogate mother.
Netsu said the baby — whose gender has not been revealed — was first registered as a child of the surrogate mother and later adopted by the daughter and her husband.
American gossip sites said that Beyonce faked her pregnancy by carrying a fake belly, when in fact she had a surrogate mother.
Kim, the coach, stepped in as a surrogate mother, cooking her chicken, rabbit soup and medicine, and cooling her down with cold compresses, the story goes.
Will is it can find to come on the way, surrogate mother is what the current society must go to face, and a escape that hide will only bring more questions.
The singer's youngest son was born to a surrogate mother whose identity has never been revealed.
The thesis starting with Artificial Supplementary Reproducting, its purpose is to explain surrogacy, in particular, the third female(namely surrogate mother)help the wife to give birth.
A 2-year-old chimpanzee at a rare species zoo in South Carolina, US, took on a surrogate role after two 23-day-old white tiger cubs were separated from their mother.
At birth, lambs and calves cloned from embryos can be twice the usual size, creating considerable stress on the surrogate mother.
At birth, lambs and calves cloned from embryos can be twice the usual size, creating considerable stress on the surrogate mother.