He excels in multiple-choice questions.
The FCI is a collection of 30 multiple-choice questions on the basic concepts of Newton's laws.
In general, cloze test can be classified into multiple-choice cloze (MC cloze) and open cloze (OC).
The basic principle and step of these three algorithms are given to solve Multiple-choice Knapsack Problem.
In the Listening test, short oral scenarios are presented, and then one or more multiple-choice questions are read.
Don't require me to choose the best option from a multiple-choice list when what I really need is a field for "Other."
By using a definite integral identical formula, a solution to some multiple-choice questions of definite integral is given.
To that end, Erin Bardar and coworkers created the Light and Spectroscopy Concept Inventory (LSCI)—a collection of 26 multiple-choice questions.
The technology of machine scoring in the multiple-choice and fills-up topic is already mature, but there are many defects in the programming topic.
The network marking, candidates answer method had relatively about-face, multiple-choice questions and multiple-choice questions have to be in the answer sheet.
These are usually multiple-choice questionnaires, with definite right and wrong answers, and your work is generally timed. The most common types of aptitude tests include
In 2014, the biggest changing syllabus is English, canceling the multiple-choice questions, and replaced by the discourse grammar cloze test with 15 points, the same as before.
Nikita, a Russian who works for an aviation company in the Chinese capital, was the most confident person in the group, after spending four days revising the multiple-choice questionnaire.
一个名叫尼基塔的俄罗斯人在中国首都的一家航空公司工作,他是这批外国考试者中最胸有成竹的了,因为他花了四天的时间来复习选择题。 他想,一切都没有问题了。
Multiple choice tests are extremely popular in the us and are frequently used by the state, local schools, and by test makers who play in important role in college admission decisions.
A multiple choice exam with formula scoring design is not supposed to measure risk attitudes of test takers.
There are also a number of design problems with multiple choice tests that can be exploited by experienced test takers.
There are also a number of design problems with multiple choice tests that can be exploited by experienced test takers.