But immobilization also displays some negative effects, of all, muscle system is affected significantly.
Immobilization is a usual method to treat the injury of skeletal muscle system and plays an important role in rehabilitation of diseases.
There are the limited factors of maximal oxygen uptake:the oxygen transport system called as the central factor; the skeletal muscle system called as the peripheral factor.
It is recognized that to improve the nerve-muscle system function, enhance muscle contraction strength, is one of the most direct and important way to improve athletic performance.
From this, it has opted to focus on life science and medical research, and recently called for proposals for experiments on muscle wasting, osteoporosis and the immune system.
His eventual goal is to link the system with a muscle stimulator that could allow paralysed people to walk.
But overeating can lead to liver damage, muscle spasms and problems with the nervous system.
Further, the sudden release of toxins from necrotic muscle into the circulatory system leads to myoglobinuria, which causes renal failure if untreated.
You'll develop a lighter, quicker step by running short, submaximal repeats engineered to adapt your neuromuscular system--your body's intricate network of brain, nerve, and muscle.
你可以跑短一些的强度低一些的轻快的高频 的反复跑来刺激你的肌肉神经系统——你身体复杂的头部、神经和肌肉系统。
A: Adrenaline from the nervous system lands on receptors of cardiac myocytes (heart-muscle cells), and this causes calcium channels in the membranes of those cells to open.
Theobromine stimulates the heart muscle and the nervous system. And phenyethylamine is reputed (no conclusive proof exists yet) to be a mood elevator and an anti-depressant.
In use, the company's Alair Bronchial Thermoplasty System delivers thermal energy to the airway wall in a precisely controlled manner to reduce excessive airway smooth muscle.
The blink system starts with what researchers call an eyelid sling, a small piece of muscle or fabric that holds the eyelid. The sling attaches to bone around the eye.
It is the influence of muscle tonus upon bone formation that brings this aspect of morphogenesis back to an interaction with the central nervous system.
Cardiovascular system (heart and arteries) - as anas are isometric, which means they rely on holding muscle tension for a short period of time.
Cardiovascular system (heart and arteries) - asanas are isometric, which means they rely on holding muscle tension for a short period of time.
These mild stresses can arouse a person's nervous system and lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, shallow breathing, sweating, muscle tightening, and an inability to sleep.
Renowned scientists review vascular biology, muscle biology, molecular biology and other areas of basic science related to the physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system.
The Swiss shower activates blood circulation and limbic system. Finally body massage, facial massage and reflexology help rid your muscle tension. You will feel totally relaxed.
The major androgen target organs of interest in regards to beneficial effects of TRT include bone, muscle, adipose tissue, the cardiovascular system and the brain.
In addition, through a complex sequence of events, your immune system also AIDS repair by boosting the protein content of these damaged muscle fibers.
Systematic, rational training for long jump will produce changes of special adaptation in the harmony between central nervous system and muscle movement speed, so that it will improve speed force.
Function: Relaxes nervous system, relieves the stress, sedation, removes the tiredness and relieves muscle ache and pain.
These systemic effects are caused by a traumatic rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown) and the release of potentially toxic muscle cell components and electrolytes into the circulatory system.
A two-folded sliding modes approach of pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA) position control system was proposed, and the controller was designed by using Lyapunov stability theory.
RESULTS:ADRs were mostly seen in the toxic reactions of muscle, followed by toxic reactions of liver and other adverse reactions such as nervous system reaction, pain in joints, allergies, etc.
Based on the literature materials and actual situation of the training, this paper analyzes the two main factors of the muscle and nervous system and studies how to restores it.
The result showed that this system could quickly collect the data of the muscle strength at back and grip, and also illustrated the varying curves of muscle strength with graphics.
An experimental study of the pneumatic muscle control system was carried out based on Variable Structure control (VSC), and its control characteristics were analyzed.
An experimental study of the pneumatic muscle control system was carried out based on Variable Structure control (VSC), and its control characteristics were analyzed.