The ideal thing would be, that the mutual fund does these calculations and it puts it all together for you.
Mutual fund investors waited and waited for a rebound to come.
How is Bruce Berkowitz making your mutual fund managers look bad?
布鲁斯•伯考维茨(Bruce Berkowitz)如何令你的共同基金经理们看起来很差劲?
Moreover, most mutual fund investors weren't selling out along the way.
Much of it lies in how mutual fund managers are compensated and judged.
Unlike units in a conventional mutual fund, ETFs can be traded all day long.
In April, Permal Group, a fund of hedge funds, launched a tactical-allocation mutual fund.
In June, Bull Path Capital Management converted a long-short equity hedge fund into a mutual fund.
In short, investors often force their mutual fund managers to buy expensive stocks and sell cheap ones.
Setting up a registered and approved mutual fund vehicle in the EU, however, would be perfectly acceptable.
While mutual fund expense ratios and trading commissions may not seem like much, they add up over time.
There was even, he says, a type of “mutual fund” in which villagers would pool their savings to buy goods from China.
Diversification - By owning shares in a mutual fund instead of owning individual stocks or bonds, your risk is spread out.
As co-chief investment officer, he manages PIMCO Total Return, the world’s largest mutual fund with $234 billion of assets.
作为联席执行官,他管理的是PIMCO完全回报(Total Return)部分,这是世界上最大的共同基金,拥有资产2340亿美元。
You put the money into an account, like a stock mutual fund, that gives you 10% per year interest on average and presto.
And Financial Research Corp., a firm that tracks mutual fund sales, says the same holds true for funds across the gold sector.
追踪共同基金销售状况的市场研究公司Financial Research表示,整个黄金领域各个基金的情况都是如此。
The 1.3% increase in fourth-quarter net worth included gains in corporate equities, household real estate, and mutual fund shares.
The mutual fund he manages, Jubak Global Equity fund (JUBAX), may or may not now own positions in any stock mentioned in this post.
Suppose that the application development of a mutual fund system requires over 100 JSP pages, and most of the pages need table data.
Liquidity - Just like an individual stock, a mutual fund allows you to request that your shares be converted into cash at any time.
It doesn't help that mutual fund salespeople speak a strange language that is interspersed with jargon that many investors don't understand.
Major annuity sellers have stepped up their efforts to get employers and mutual fund companies to include annuities in workers' 401 (k) plans.
A number of local mutual fund managers — 'stocks for the long run' notwithstanding — have been seen sneaking off during their lunch hours to do the same.
A year ago AQR, a prominent hedge fund in Greenwich, Connecticut, launched its first mutual fund; six more have since followed, the latest on January 5th.
A year ago AQR, a prominent hedge fund in Greenwich, Connecticut, launched its first mutual fund; six more have since followed, the latest on January 5th.