Although I go out with him now, I don't think he is my significant other.
I spend the rest of my time trying to make my significant other laugh and smile.
A person may say to himself: "If my significant other ticks me off, I can smoke" or, "If I lose my job, I can smoke."
Another common example is relationships; I think my relationship with my significant other is going to fail, so I start acting differently, pulling away emotionally.
Of course, I was less upset about this than Cecily, partly because Boris wasn't my significant other, and partly because previous experience had taught me to recognize and cope with people like him.
There were other significant changes to the UI that prompted one writer to put out this "Where's My Stuff?" column.
There were other significant changes to the UI that prompted one writer to put out this “Where’s My Stuff?” column.
同时还有许多其他明显的用户界面更改,甚至使一个作家写了一个“我的东西哪去了?” 的专栏。
My most significant accomplishment in this capacity involved the re-wiring of over a thousand dormitory rooms to enable the students to have Internet access with a link to the other four campuses.
As these dissenting views were rather significant, I shall discuss them first in my concluding speech before dealing with certain other problems.
And then, at other times, every second was significant, etched in my mind.
Because of my web sites with articles other than hair and Witkey network traffic related to the article to even more significant.
Because of my web sites with articles other than hair and Witkey network traffic related to the article to even more significant.