The next day, while having a mint Oreo shake at a restaurant near my office, I told Caleb, one of the quantum-circuit experts I worked with, that I doubted I'd ever see my name in print.
This example shows how to access documents in the RPX, and print the name and tag of the requirements contained within those documents.
Whether you entered the incorrect queue name, no longer need the print queue, or simply want to see how to remove a queue, removing a virtual print queue in AIX is easy.
HSBC is one of three Banks authorized to print the local currency, so its name can be found in just about everybody's hands and wallets.
And you can sort of type their name in and print it out and give it to them so they can take it home and digest it at home and the same with the other groups.
The default behavior of grep is to print the file name in which a match was found only if multiple files were specified.
For example, in Listing 6, attempting to print out the newly created xrange didn't show anything other than the name of the xrange.
Mr. Urdang — he had a middle name, his daughter Nicole said, “but he would not rest peacefully if it appeared in print” — was born in Manhattan on March 21, 1927.
厄当先生——这是他的一个中间名(middle name),他的女儿妮可说:“如果那个名字在印刷中出现的话,他是不会安生的。”
Now, with the contents of the XML test file in hand, I use the value-of tag to print the name of the test run followed by a carriage return with the XSL: text tag (see Listing 5).
现在得到了XML测试文件的内容,我使用value - of标签打印运行的测试名,后面通过xsl:text标签增加了回车换行符(如清单5所示)。
The code in Listing 4 will print out "I dig any language with 6 characters in its name!"
清单4中的代码会打印出“idiganylanguagewith6charactersinitsname !”
The py.test and nosetests tools even have a few command-line options that they share in common, like the -v option that makes them print the name of each test as it is executed.
test和nosetests工具甚至有几个相同的命令行选项,比如- v选项在执行测试时输出测试的名称。
So its full name as never appeared in print as far as I can tell, which probably explains why Guiness later rescinded the listing for it as the longest word.
MANY campaign posters for Japan's general election on August 30th print the candidate's name in hiragana, a rudimentary, phonetic script first taught to children, rather than the kanji.
Two statements in the advice print out the fact that the employee's information was changed, along with the name of the employee.
If you want to comment in The news-both in print and online-you'll have to give us your real name and hometown.
Note that because you don't specify a type for the pattern-matched case, anything will match and the message is bound to the MSG name (which you need in order to print it).
注意,因为这里没有指定模式匹配的类型,所以任何消息都是匹配的,而且消息被绑定到ms g名称(为了打印它)。
The %1$tB formatting string in the code above tells the program to use the first argument and print out the full month name for the date object.
上面代码中的格式化字符串 %1$tB告诉程序使用第一个参数并打印date对象的完整月名。
If the line with the business that is very good, if you have a physical store, you can print shop address in the name card, can also promote open shop sales, because he knows you the quality of goods.
To see the values of variables the GDB 'print' command is used with the variable name. We can see what "no1" and "diff" are equal to by typing 'print no1' and 'print diff', resulting in.
要查看变量的值,使用gdb'print '命令并指定变量名。
That gives me ample time to pillage your files and print one thousand copies of whatever in your name.
When you click on a game name, the relevant cheat is displayed in a editor window, with convenient buttons that let you print the selection or save any changes you've made.
The 'Print' in Step 3 is the "Tool tip name, " and the 'Prints the active document' from Step 4 is the "description of the button for the status bar.
Can be in a folder or file name of the folder into the output file or directly print out the tool.
After all, it's a tough job - you Labour unnoticed in the lab, your family has no idea what you do, then one day your name appears in print and you have something you can show your mum.
To print the pattern name at the side of the bottom stamp size in majority besides pattern, face amount, name of the country on face value, design it on the pattern directly too.
Any use of the name print at this scopeor a scope nested in this scopewill resolve to this instance.
在这个作用域或嵌套在这个作用域里的其他作用域中,名字print 的任何使用都将解释为这个print 函数实例。
Any use of the name print at this scopeor a scope nested in this scopewill resolve to this instance.
在这个作用域或嵌套在这个作用域里的其他作用域中,名字print 的任何使用都将解释为这个print 函数实例。