This is a fruitless nature-nurture debate.
That way of putting it assumes a simplistic nature-nurture dichotomy.
Besides cloning a great dog, the project may contribute insight into the old question of nature vs. nurture.
Sometimes, when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus right brain, or nature versus nurture, I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind.
The human organism learns partly by nature, partly by nurture.
Lately, however, twin studies have helped lead scientists to a radical new conclusion: that nature and nurture are not the only elemental forces at work.
Epigenetic processes are chemical reactions tied to neither nature nor nurture but representing what researchers have called a "third component".
To biomedical researchers all over the world, twins offer a precious opportunity to untangle the influence of genes and the environment—of nature and nurture.
Humans are fascinated by the source of their failings and virtues, this preoccupation inevitably leads to an old debate: whether nature or nurture molds us more.
Yet scientists and laymen alike still spend too much time and effort trying to quantify the relative importance of nature and nurture.
There is an element of both nature and nurture in explaining the evil actions of individuals.
Recent research by Peg Nopoulos, Jessica Wood and colleagues at the University of Iowa illustrates just how difficult it is to untangle nature and nurture, even at the level of brain structure.
THE battle between those who think character comes from nature and those who think nurture is the key is not confined to students of humanity.
Traditional genes are thus not as important as proponents of human nature had suspected /nor as proponents of nurture had feared.
The divorced philosophy lecturer asks in his message "Is it nature or nurture?
The original study was so compelling because it explained how nature and nurture could collude to produce a complex mood problem.
These are original findings which shed light on the fact that all of our behaviours are influenced by both nature and nurture.
And while multiple births represent one of the great wonders of life in their own right, they provide important clues in the mysterious case of nature versus nurture.
That's pretty much the recipe for success from an evolutionary standpoint, and it also provides evidence as to how nurture might shape an underlying nature.
We’ve reached a point where most people are savvy enough to know that the correct response isn’t “nature” or “nurture, ” but some combination of the two.
For those who pause long enough to wonder if it is nature or nurture which guides them, the answer may have emerged.
The good news is that – if the scientists are right – diseases such as MS are not genetically predetermined but a mixture of nature and nurture, says Ebers.
No one, however, was told that the child was a twin or triplet, or that the study involved the influence of nature versus nurture.
Personal traits, whether they\\\'re formed by nature or nurture, are pretty much set by the time you enter the work force. Then the real learning about how to lead a business should begin.
"That's the old question of nature versus nurture," she replied, as we surveyed a rare breed of tamarin. "Look at it this way: nature is not pushing us in a particular direction; it's just pushing."
For the degree you choose to avoid responsibility for creating your self, using nature or nurture, you are making-up-a-self sliding into a dark pit of pain.
It was a striking case of how nurture affects nature.
Say "biology" and "behaviour" in the same sentence, and most minds think of genetics and the vexed question of nature and nurture.
Traditional genes are thus not as important as proponents of human nature had suspected nor as proponents of nurture had feared.
One of them, Terrie m of fitt, of King's College, London, has just supervised a project investigating the first perennial question-the relative importance of nature and nurture.