Sometimes, when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus right brain, or nature versus nurture, I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind.
No one, however, was told that the child was a twin or triplet, or that the study involved the influence of nature versus nurture.
It's a battle of nature versus nurture, with a scientific twist. The play delves into questions of whether man can "play god", by creating life through science.
Now, academic tests seem to bear this out, but is it genetics, simple hard work or perhaps a bit of both? Now, it's the old nature versus nurture debate and our Dr.
And while multiple births represent one of the great wonders of life in their own right, they provide important clues in the mysterious case of nature versus nurture.
"That's the old question of nature versus nurture," she replied, as we surveyed a rare breed of tamarin. "Look at it this way: nature is not pushing us in a particular direction; it's just pushing."
The nature-versus-nurture debate clearly was part of the intellectual climate of that time and remains an interesting question – how much we are born a certain way, as a species and as individuals.
The nature-versus-nurture debate clearly was part of the intellectual climate of that time and remains an interesting question – how much we are born a certain way, as a species and as individuals.