Elizabeth wrote that a doughboy was a sweet fruit severed to Navy man on ships.
While he was in prison in 2009 his solicitor made contact with the RBL, where a quietly persistent ex-navy man helped him sort out his life.
As both his father and his uncle had served in the Royal Australian navy, he felt a personal desire to help identify the remains of a fellow navy man.
Phoebe's Navy man (Ryan) is in town for two weeks, but their plans are foiled because Phoebe has the chicken pox, and gives them to him as well.
It is a risk, as the Navy doctors are not expecting this man, but there are few alternatives.
A U.S. Navy SEAL, Mike Forsythe, and his dog, Cara -- pictured above -- recently broke the world record for "highest man/dog parachute deployment" by jumping from 30, 100 feet.
Claude Choules, who lived in Australia, joined the Royal Navy as a young man and witnessed the surrender of the German fleet in 1918.
The Navy has awarded iRobot Corp. a 0 million contract to provide its PackBot man-transportable robotic system and support services for explosive ordnance disposal missions.
Billy Budd, by Herman Melville. A naive young man is pressed into the service of the British Navy at the very end of the 18th century.
He'd been an executive chef in the British Merchant Navy, often the only black man on the ship.
A little beauty, and a few smiles, and a few compliments to the navy, and I am a lost man.
A naive young man is pressed into the service of the British Navy at the very end of the 18th century.
The multifunction console is the integration information platform of navy electronic equipment with data handling, network communicating, comprehensive display, man-machine interaction.
The man who came to see us later that day said he was a gunnery instructor in the navy.
I asked the man where the Navy aircraft had last been spotted so we would know where to search.
As a young man I was a woodworker at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, during the early forties.
As a young man I was a woodworker at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, during the early forties.