Heidi was sorely in need of some clothes, so Clara had given her some.
In the short term such measures may further damp the supply of credit to economies that sorely need it.
Either you're sorely underestimating his intelligence or you need to ask yourself, what in the world is a smart gal like you doing with a fool like him?
If he is right it would be good news indeed for an industry sorely in need of rejuvenation.
Nurtured and reshaped a little, however, that milquetoast quality becomes that tenderness that you, as a man, sorely need.
I also gradually realized that I was sorely in need of such training myself.
If you think you only need a business plan to go fishing for capital, you are sorely mistaken.
And if you believe he thinks so... either you're sorely underestimating his intelligence or you need to ask yourself, what in the world is a smart gal like you doing with a fool like him?
In this world of constant strives we sorely need people with a pure heart who are peace-makers.
Forster put it, "at the time that Machiavelli was collecting materials for 'the Prince', a robber boy, sorely in need of advice, was scuttling over the highlands of Central Asia."
As Mark Twain says: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts."
As Mark Twain says: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts."