Needs to depend on the post-natal gymnastic exercises to restore.
Be pregnant 3-5 in month, the nasciturus' tapetum development needs to depend on parent population to supplies ample thyroxine.
怀孕3 - 5个月时,胎儿的脑发育需要依赖母体供给充足的甲状腺素。
The traditional Chinese medicine probably doesn’t have theories as complete and logical as the western medicine have, so it needs to depend on experience in some aspects.
The way your robot gets its energy will depend on what your robot needs to do.
You use the factory method pattern when an application needs to create objects whose type depend on the implementation of subclasses.
With small economies and high debt levels, they often depend on donors to finance post-disaster needs, but donor resources often arrive late or not at all.
Your surgical procedure will depend on whether your project just needs the electronic pulse generator. or a clock with working hands that continues to tell time. If you just need the clock's ticker.
This is a dangerous task because it is very subjective stuff. The smartphone that is the best fit for you is going to depend heavily on your needs and preferences.
Your surgical procedure will depend on whether your project just needs the electronic pulse generator. or a clock with working hands that continues to tell time.
The smartphone that is the best fit for you is going to depend heavily on your needs and preferences.
"They are reaching people who otherwise have limited or no access to electricity, and depend on kerosene, diesel or firewood for their energy needs, " he said.
Any household needs a provider and a caregiver, to create a balance in life, where one will find it according to ones needs or beliefs depend on ones concept and personality.
She's a nice girl, but she can always depend on her parents to help her out when she needs it.
Enjoying outdoor activities should not depend on the weather, which is why outdoor clothing needs to be extremely tough, comfortable and, above all, functional.
As for customers to choose which kind of goods, it will depend on the needs of different produce line.
He doesn't have to keep such trivia in his head, but can depend on the menu to keep it for him, available when he needs it.
Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations.
With more people to feed and finite resources to depend on, the feed and animal production industry has to grow profitably without compromising the ability to meet future needs.
Corrosion resistance: salt test of plating, maybe according to the customers' needs, depend on the production, but at least 24 hours.
In America, you can choose from a variety of places to live. Your choice will depend on your needs and your budget!
Recently, many Banks issue special fixed deposit, whose return depend on range of some index in the future, for instance, the exchange rate, to meet the needs of the investors.
I want to be able to depend on a woman who is both willing and dedicated to take care of my needs, whatever they might be.
It's hard to satisfy user needs by purely depend on disk and tape.
Ultimately, however, the ability of Codex to fulfil its mandate and respond to the growing needs and expectations of its members will depend on the availability of additional resources.
The problem is to balance the needs of the environment against those of the economy or consumers trying to cope with the high cost of living without destroying the earth on which we all depend.
It's far from possible to ask a child not to depend on parents at once. A child needs help from the beginning.
These trends show that an effective program to reduce population growth does not have to depend on better economic conditions. 3 It can be effective if it aims to help women and meet their needs.
这些趋势表明有效的控制人口的方案并不依赖于良好的经济状况。如果是致力于帮助妇女适 应她们的需求那么就是有效的。
Depends on your computer. Generally, a 2ghz computer needs approximately 1h to complete one WU, but it may also depend on the other specifications, like hard disk throughput or memory amount.
Depends on your computer. Generally, a 2ghz computer needs approximately 1h to complete one WU, but it may also depend on the other specifications, like hard disk throughput or memory amount.