An older age at time of cirrhosis diagnosis and a higher BMI were negatively associated with the development of HCC.
External locus of control positively associated with at the moment seeking help will but negatively associated with seeking help behavior.
Physical activity and body mass index (BMI) were also positively associated with CCT whereas alcohol consumption was negatively associated with CCT.
Conclusion: Of postmenopausal women, endogenous bioavailable t, E2, and DHEA were positively associated and SHBG was negatively associated with insulin resistance.
HA frequency and severity, failed prophylactic therapies, and greater number of coexisting medical conditions were all negatively associated with measures of health-related quality of life.
Conclusion: the NBEAL1 protein has been successfully cloned, expressed and purified. NBEAL1 protein expression in glioma tissues is negatively associated with the pathological grades of glioma.
In Chapter 2, we discuss the precise large deviations for non-random and random sums of negatively associated nonnegative random variables with common dominatedly varying tail distribution function.
Black can also be seen negatively because the color is associated with death, mystery and the unknown.
"A huge suite of negative personality traits are associated with viewing others negatively, " Wood says.
It's been previously documented that transaction logging has some overhead associated with it that can negatively affect performance when it is used.
Related analysis demonstrated that the levels of ET in renal tissue were positively associated with urinary protein contents, basement membrane thickness, negatively with GFR.
Relative analysis demonstrated NO in renal tissue was positively associated with GFR, and negatively correlated with urinary protein contents.
经相关分析表明,肾组织中NO与GF R呈正相关,与尿蛋白排泄量呈负相关。
Threshold was associated negatively with looking for mothers 'comfort and help.
The second process, associated with the first, involves TRAF3, the molecule that negatively regulates NIK.
Results: The hardness of black plaster is positively associated with softening point and viscosity, while it is negatively correlated with penetration.
Children'waiting time(food)was associated negatively with children'adaptability.
Wood fibres and fines in an aqueous system are negatively charged due to ionization of functional groups associated with hemicellulose, oxidized cellulose and oxidized lignin.
From annual change of the tropopause height, it was negatively related to lower stratospheric temperature and positively associated with the troposphere temperature, and there was seasonal difference.
From annual change of the tropopause height, it was negatively related to lower stratospheric temperature and positively associated with the troposphere temperature, and there was seasonal difference.