My child was picked up by neonatal screening for Pompe disease because of low enzyme activity.
Objective To establish the methods for neonatal screening of glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.
Objective To establish the methods for neonatal screening of glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.
This article will summarize the conventional operation of neonatal screening blood heel from three aspects of the blood collection, blood film preservation, blood spot delivery.
Objective to develop the neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia in order to prevent children from congenital disability and improve the aristogenesis in our country.
Conclusion neonatal blood collection in heel by diagonal puncture method can increase success rate, decrease soft tissue injury in pelma, and conduce to the development of neonatal screening.
Objective to observe the effects of collecting blood in different parts during the neonatal screening and discuss the optimal blood collecting location so as to improve the blood collecting quality.
Objective To study the sick rate of congenital syphilis and the value of screening on the neonatal syphilis.
Objective To discuss the availability of fluorescent enzyme immunoassay (FEIA) in neonatal diseases screening.
Methods Using the ideas of evidence-based medicine, a safety and effectiveness assessment of neonatal disease screening was made by means of literature induction.
方法运用循证医学的理念 ,采用文献归纳方法对新生儿疾病筛查的安全性和有效性进行评价。
ObjectiveTo discuss the effect of neonatal behavioral neurological assessment (NBNA) and developmental screening test (DST) on newborns with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
Neonatal TSH screening may be a more sensitive index for monitoring IDD.
Conclusions Sound stimulation test is simple, convenient and economic in neonatal hearing screening, so that it is a good method for early detection of hearing disability.
Methods Neonatal guardians were selected as survey objects and conducted investigation in their knowledge and acceptance of the neonatal disease screening before and after health education.
Results The rate of neonatal guardians willing to accept the neonatal disease screening increased to 94.64% from 76.96% at the time of admission(the difference was obviously significant);
Results The rate of neonatal guardians willing to accept the neonatal disease screening increased to 94.64% from 76.96% at the time of admission(the difference was obviously significant);