Other links may involve changes in brain temperature and the release of neurotransmitters (substances that transmit nerve impulses.)
It apparently does this by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters, chemicals that carry nerve impulses from one neuron to the next.
The nerve impulses cause the muscles to contract, thus narrowing the airway.
Nerve impulses, hormone and organ-specific irritant can cause cell membrane depolarization.
Physically, all we can do is move our muscles, but to do this we need nerve impulses from the brain.
When the myelin is destroyed, the nerves misfire, and nerve impulses can be slowed or disrupted.
Through each step a memory neurotransmitter called acetylcholine transmits the needed nerve impulses.
Whether we are awake or dreaming interpret nerve impulses and posit causes for them according to their own needs.
Both somatic and autonomic effectors may be reflexly excited by nerve impulses arising from the same sensory end organs.
Hearing entails the transformation of sound vibrations into nerve impulses, which travel to the brain and are interpreted as sounds.
Synapse: Site of transmission of electric nerve impulses between two nerve cells or between a nerve cell and a gland or muscle cell.
For example, kids need iron for healthy brain-tissue development, as nerve impulses move more slowly when children are iron-deficient.
The vertical axis shows the number of nerve impulses given by each nerve fiber to each taste substance in the first 5 SEC of response.
The results suggest the brain initiates a take-off sequence that involves a "giant fiber pathway" of nerve impulses to the wings and legs.
It is used to obtain information about the processes of excitation and inhibition in a neuron and the mechanisms that initiate nerve impulses.
ALS is caused by the degeneration and death of motor neurons, the nerve cells which convey nerve impulses from the spinal cord to each of the body's muscles.
It comes down to the fact that we human beings need calcium in our blood-it allows us to do all sorts of neat things, from contracting muscles to conducting nerve impulses.
In 2007, Bian gave 80 people with IBS either JCM-16021 with Holopon - a drug that interrupts nerve impulses in the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for digestion - or Holopon alone.
2007年,卞兆祥给80名IBS患者服用含有Holopon的JCM- 16021或者只服用Holopon, Holopon(溴甲东莨菪碱)是一种能打断消化副交感神经系统神经冲动的药物。
The long, tubular membranes of nerve cells carry electrical impulses.
It gradually destroys the rods and cones that detect light in the retina of the eye. But it does not harm the optic nerve, which transmits electrical impulses from the retina to the brain.
Most of this energy goes towards maintaining synapses, the junctions across which impulses jump from nerve cell to nerve cell, keeping the brain alert even when it is not doing anything.
Most of this energy goes towards maintaining synapses, the junctions across which impulses jump from nerve cell to nerve cell, keeping the brain alert even when it is not doing anything.
其中大部分用来维持突触,让大脑即使在无事可做时也保持警觉。 突触是神经细胞间的连结,脉冲信号通过它们在细胞间传导。
It is the movement of potassium (and also sodium) ions that causes the electrical impulses that nerve cells carry-including the impulses found in slow-wave sleep.
Just as importantly, the resulting nerve cells were able to conduct electrical impulses and could form the specialised junctions called synapses, by means of which nerve cells talk to each other.
But it does not harm the optic nerve, which transmits electrical impulses from the retina to the brain.
But it does not harm the optic nerve, which transmits electrical impulses from the retina to the brain.