Congress needs to take action to ensure net neutrality.
That means more battles like the one now going on between the Justice Department and California, which enacted a tough net neutrality law in the wake of the FCC's abdication.
In the meantime, the court threw out the FCC's attempt to block all state rules on net neutrality, while preserving the commissions' power to preempt individual state laws that undermine its order.
Which brings us back to net neutrality.
Such deals violate even the watered-down version of net neutrality.
A bill that would guarantee net neutrality is working its way (for a third time) through Congress.
DeveloperWorks: Do you feel like, I've read some of your blog entries about the Net neutrality issue.
What I was contrasting that with is that a lot of the brouhaha with net neutrality is fairly theoretical.
If you go to Europe and ask somebody about whether they're concerned about Net neutrality, they say, "What?"
Telecoms, net neutrality lobbyists, tech companies and regular citizens are tripping over themselves to weigh in.
The proposal was a surprise because the two companies have been on opposite sides of the debate over net neutrality.
Most recently, he argued the app market poses a bigger, more immediate threat to Internet freedom than net neutrality regulation.
The FCC's proposed net neutrality rules would prohibit carriers from selectively blocking or slowing Web content or applications.
Information and how it travels are also central to "net neutrality," the buzzword for unrestricted access to Internet services and content.
The FCC's proposal gets the ball rolling on net neutrality and a national broadband plan without waiting for Congress to do something.
Last week, the FCC abruptly called off closed-door talks with industry lobbyists that were aimed at reaching a compromise on net neutrality.
Contrary to McCain who wanted to let the private sector sort this out, Obama promised to enforce net neutrality through federal legislation.
Amazon had withdrawn from the coalition of companies supporting net neutrality, but it recently was listed once again on the group's Web site.
Advocates of net neutrality gave warning that the introduction of fast lanes and other premium services could undermine this innovative culture.
Sir Tim, who keeps a low profile, hasbegun speaking out in favor of "net neutrality, " rules requiring thatall Web sites remain equal on the Web.
Net neutrality is the principle that all Internet traffic - content, platforms, and websites - should be treated equally by the networks that deliver them.
Net neutrality would set up rules to make sure your Internet provider treats all information equally; no website would be able to pay to move more quickly.
"Amazon continues to support adoption of net neutrality rules to protect the longstanding, fundamental openness of the Internet," Amazon said in a statement.
Today's vote represents the first time the principle of net neutrality - where all Internet content is treated equally - has been formally ratified in the US.
The net neutrality debate , which Google has led, has taken a sudden turn that has many of its former allies in the 'public interest' sector shouting 'treason.
A number of Internet companies, including eBay, Skype and Yahoo wrote to Vaizey earlier this month urging him to enshrine the principles of net neutrality into law.
It's why looking for information about Net neutrality requires clicking around for three hours, since each site is written by some dude who knows as little as you do.
It's why looking for information about Net neutrality requires clicking around for three hours, since each site is written by some dude who knows as little as you do.