Project management system is built on the core of network planning technology and the platform of cooperative work platform.
In this article, author introduces the characteristic and application on project management about network planning technology and cooperative work platform.
This paper applies the network planning technology to make a quantification analysis of the benefit of EDIs application in port bills circulation circulation.
The existing network planning technology mainly aims at the unitary network plan, so it is hard to guide the enforcement of many parallel projects efficiently.
In this paper, the author focuses on the application of network planning technology in time management of elevator installation project, and raise a whole solution set for it.
This paper briefly introduces the fundamental principle of network planning technology and discusses its application in the project management of chemical equipment production.
Xeelan Technology, Hangzhou Xeelan Technology co., LTD. It is famous to network and has a professional design services Brand planning company in China.
An outdoor propagation model based on ray tracking technology is presented to improve the practicability of ray tracking propagation model in wireless network planning.
The paper introduces the planning and optimized scheme of urban transmission network under the new technology of TD-SCDMA for Benxi mobile.
文章介绍了在TD - SCDMA新技术条件下本溪移动城城域传输网络规划及优化方案。
Network planning software based on PERT technology is a new kind of project management software developed for compiling schedules for projects.
But this is simply the study of considerations from the fuzzy. Such as network planning based on fuzzy Technology.
Network planning project is an effective way to plan project management technology. Also is an important modern management techniques for management of systems engineering.
Although the birth of new technology can solve the measurement of the network running status of the problem, but whether he could have applied to IP network planning go.
This gives us a new subject, that is, how to use the network to detect the current mainstream technology, to help implement the IP network planning.
The theory and technology research in the City network synergetic planning field has important theoretical and practical significance, this paper carried out the following studies.
Meanwhile, we also study summed up a suitable network planning and network optimization technology, experience, After the successful launching of the work laid the foundation for technology.
The key issues of single frequency network technology includes network planning, networking mode, performance of overlapping coverage of the reception area, and program distribution network and so on.
Finally, I hope through detection technology and network planning study to develop a suitable strategy for now IP network planning.
Hubei double sided video network technology co., Ltd. is a professional commitment to film planning, film production, product planning, writing.
In this thesis, to explore and study how to use the existing network detection technology to help achieve the IP network planning to achieve refined strategy is feasible.
Select Gigabit Ethernet technology, and gradually analysis, planning, a structured, uniform, specific and thoughtful school network.
Thus, since 2004, the state decided to develop high-speed railway technology vigorously, accelerate the planning and construction of China's high-speed rail network.
With the application of highway network planning information systems based on GIS, more and more researchers pay attention to space time technology.
With the application of highway network planning information systems based on GIS, more and more researchers pay attention to space time technology.