Website promotion, network marketing and so on related network value-added service.
The company will increase its market presence by strengthening the distribution network and value added service.
Global eye network video monitoring is a value-added service of image remote monitoring, transmission, storage and management based on the broadband network launched by China Telecom.
TCS can be used as the basic software system for WWW and telecommunication value-added service dealer, furthermore it can also regard as management entity of H. 323 speech classroom network.
As the unification platform of business supporting, it works with Service Control Point or Application Server to provide network users with the value-added services.
In this paper, the design of the system structure and the related communication-service software of the Value-added DataCommunication Network for East China Electric Power system are presented.
Network information value-added service with high added value, high correlation, and high intellectual has priority in National development strategy.
Network information value-added service with high added value, high correlation, and high intellectual has priority in National development strategy.