When Leverrier was working at his great discovery he did not strike out a new path in science; he was sup ported by a great law of nature, the base of all astronomical knowledge.
In his pursuit of harmony between man and nature, he created a new theory of environmental rights in accordance with the practice of environmental law.
This is an unalterable law of nature, and old leaders have to be continually replaced by new ones.
The fractal esthetics has been proposed as a new essential law of nature in beauty in form of building that surpassed the conventional law of unity and variety.
Quantum cryptography provides a new method for absolutely secure communication, which is guaranteed by the inviolability of a Law of Nature, and any advanced technologies cannot decipher it.
The choice of transitional meehanisms should base on nature of transitional issues, and be in compliance with the prompting of superior interests and the realization of new law aim.
The choice of transitional meehanisms should base on nature of transitional issues, and be in compliance with the prompting of superior interests and the realization of new law aim.