Charles Darwin in a file image. More Americans believe in a literal hell and the devil than Darwin's theory of evolution, according to a new Harris poll released on Thursday.
Adopt the evolution theory and absorb the new achievements of molecule biology, sociobiology gives a new perspective and method for human nature research.
The new economic growth theory has put forward many economic growth models, but these models all neglected the evolution of economic institutions and the technological progress.
A new fatigue damage evolution equation was proposed according to the fatigue accumulative damage theory, the effectiveness of which was verified by experimental results.
Based on the Darwinism, the memetics is a new theory to explain the laws of cultural evolution.
Evolutionary game theory, just as its name implies, is a new branch field, which was formed for biology with respect to the idea of evolution intersected game theory. It first appeared biology.
Meme, first coined by Richard Dawkins of the University of Oxford in 1976 in his best-selling book The Selfish Gene, is a new theory explaining the cultural evolution.
Meme, first coined by Richard Dawkins of the University of Oxford in 1976 in his best-selling book The Selfish Gene, is a new theory explaining the cultural evolution.