In new field-trial data, Rathore's team demonstrated that it can turn off the genes that stimulate the production of gossypol in the cottonseeds while the rest of the plant keeps its natural defenses.
Follow up with new projects trial out and launch production, and bring out the improve plan.
The production planner is responsible to formulate the trial production and batch production plan for the new product per the project plan.
By selecting AAA processes, XXX is assured of not becoming another new technology trial site. You simply cannot afford any production interruptions.
Introduced in the paper are the development of the new D652 steel and the research concerning the trial production of the cold-rolled (drawn) seamless tubes for lifting arm with the said steel.
It is widely applied in pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries for trial production of new products and small quantity production.
Responsible for new products instruction and project progress, compile the project plan-ning and technology documentation, coordinate the preparation of trial production.
There's been no fresh news of their trial production of the new model since yesterday.
There's been no fresh news of their trial production of the new model since yesterday.