The Daily is a mixture of the newfangled and the old-fashioned. It has whizzy graphics, including video and “360-degree” pictures.
After a late entry into the American Civil War, delayed by suspicions of newfangled weapons among some senior soldiers, the Gatling gun was put to use at home and abroad.
If you're making a newfangled machine to test for a disease that's a worldwide scourge, you can't beat getting the endorsement of the world Health Organization.
But if what you want is a real firehose of visitors, no newfangled social network can compete with the Drudge Report.
但要比比谁是网络流量最大的驱动力,没有任何一家新兴的社交媒体可以比得过德拉吉报道(Drudge Report)网站。
A research team used a newfangled method for measuring rare isotopes to accurately date glaciers in new Zealand.
It has created all sorts of newfangled jobs that have to be given names, and it is also full of linguistically challenged geeks who have a taste for "humorous" titles.
Making a comprehensive view of Mr. Zuo Jin's works, we also feel that he fully soaks himself in his own ideal world and the world is always newfangled, fresh, mysterious and beautiful.
So automotive radios were offered with a newfangled panel consisting of a half-dozen chrome-plated buttons, each of which would twist the tuner to a preset station.
By 2025, the gloomy maze of hallways and bullpens of today may well be replaced by a wide range of office setups that stress customization over mass appeal. In this newfangled?
By 2025, the gloomy maze of hallways and bullpens of today may well be replaced by a wide range of office setups that stress customization over mass appeal. In this newfangled?