Under this another newfashioned banner of kind, a lot of object has all been gradually tainted by female doctrine color.
New economy, a newfashioned economic conformation with knowledge economy as its basic content, fast expands in global range.
The Aptitudinal Traffic system is a type of newfashioned system that integrates communication technology into transportation.
The result shows that this newfashioned high-power machine of submerged-arc welding inverter has wide prospect of application.
And newfashioned industry wind, will aluminous material also applies on chimney design, build the contemporary sense that gives a kind of cold tone painstakingly.
With the reasonable layout and reliable open movement , the newfashioned hot runner stack mold could effectively and economically get double parts in the same injection machine for production.
It can superinduce the real feeling during the driving simulation, which is the particular characteristic of the newfashioned training system distinguished from the training system in existence.
It can superinduce the real feeling during the driving simulation, which is the particular characteristic of the newfashioned training system distinguished from the training system in existence.