But as you can see, layout isn't that nice by default; in addition, it's missing a timestamp, which I believe to be a vital element of any logging system.
Next comes "Nice to see you", followed by "I haven't got any cash on me", " I'll give you a ring ", "Sorry, I missed your call", "We'll have to meet up soon" and "I'm on my way".
That’s nice if you wanted to make the subject a silhouette but in most cases that is not nice if the subject looks and says, “how come I cannot see me”.
But one thing at a time. I wanted to point out to you that very often functions that you see in real life satisfy many nice relations between the partial derivatives.
Oh, yes, I remember. We met at your parents' retirement party. It's so nice to see you at Christmas time.
"It was nice to see you again," Jacob said, and I could tell he was taunting Mike just a bit.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Xue. I just see your resume that you apply for the position as assistant of manager.
It was you I came to see, because you've always been extremely nice to me, and I knew you before I met Marguerite.
I'd say it's nice to see you, but I know how you hate dishonesty.
Did you ever see I yell at you to buy a nice handbag or cloth for me?
I will. The metro system in Shenzhen is great, and the people are all very nice. I hope to see you again.
I even asked my friend about how to tell you this - you see, I think you're a nice guy but I don't want to date you.
As you see I keep everything very simple and I work hard to have a nice raw rendering to avoid destroying the image in PS.
I know. It will be so nice to see old friends. I've stayed in touch with many. Have you?
The survey, for flavoured vodka brand WKD, found that the next most common fib was "Nice to see you" while "I haven't got any cash on me" was the third most common one.
Listen, it's been very nice talking to you, but I see someone must say hello to. Please excuse me.
"He's a nice young man," I insist. "and I won't let him dunk you." I'll jump in the pool and pull you out if I see your teacher try anything like that. But I promise he's not going to try it.
Well it was nice to talk with you, but I see that you are too afraid to meet me and talking on line is not the way to know someone.
Perhaps I didn't know enough about you, but it's nice to see you happy! Wish you a Happy New Year. …
Perhaps I didn't know enough about you, but it's nice to see you happy! Wish you a Happy New Year. …