I'm always emailing her, but nine times out of ten she doesn't reply.
He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat.
But no-we must fret and worry, and nine times out of ten do the wrong thing.
Nine times out of ten, the side with the best surface roots will be the front.
I failed my exams nine times out of ten in my school time, I am a terrible student.
Nine times out of ten, the meeting ends with them asking me for introductions to VCs.
I felt in form so I tried the shot which nine times out of ten would not have gone in.
You look back at the game and say to yourself 'we would have won nine times out of ten'.
Why does the boss want to see me? Nine times out of ten, with regard to your sales for April.
Even before I open my mouth, my wife seems to know what I am going to say nine times out of ten.
So, I have to check for that, but nine times out of ten there's not going to be a problem so now let's do this.
Nine times out of ten, life unpleasant locals, sorrow, distressing things carefully, things often accompanies.
To have confidence, and then go all out - if has this kind of idea, any things nine times out of ten can succeed.
I predict that nine times out of ten you will fail, because your judgment of his views creeps into your description of them.
If you were to ask anyone to describe "architecture" to you, nine times out of ten, they'll make some reference to structure.
People think that just because your food took a long time, it's the server's fault. Nine times out of ten, it's the kitchen.
Nine times out of ten, an argument ends with each of the contestants more firmly convinced than ever that he is absolutely right.
Gigerenzer then rephrased the statistics: if we ignore the negative tests, nine times out of ten, a positive test for cancer is a false positive.
Typically, if you play poker in a card room or a casino, I would say nine times out of ten somebody sitting at the table will tell you that they're not trying; it almost always happens.
Skip the Que and try and get away with it nine times out of ten you will succeed without an argument, you might get a few funny looks but, with your back to them they wont see you laughing.
When I was young, I observed that nine out of every ten things I did were failures, so I did ten times more work.
Yet, the truth is that nine out of ten times opportunity is right in your own backyard.
In ancient times, in nine years out of ten there were floods, but the water in the sea did not rise much.
But the same person also admitted that "nine out of ten times, his gut instincts are right."
But the same person also admitted that "nine out of ten times, his gut instincts are right."