No matter what we do may only buy time.
No matter what we do to restore habitat or support population growth, we may never be able to restore that culture.
No matter what we do, if we put love in heart, it turns out not bad.
I don't believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do.
So, now we know, no matter what we do, we are sinful just for being us.
The people also need to beat, no matter what we do, to check the subjective reason.
Insistence is a merit, we should keep it, no matter what we do, we must remember to insist.
No matter what we do it is likely that the price of energy is going to continue to go upwards.
No matter what we do, two seconds after we leave, there are more on the ground and somebody can step in it.
No matter what we do, none of us can say we will surely succeed, because there is no such thing as plain sailing.
At the end of the day, no matter what we do, the meaty gameplay is in the combat, and you're going to see it a lot.
I don't believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing.
The liberal church of today would have us believe that no matter what we do from the moment of our "conversion" we will enter Heaven.
Many of us believe that our intelligence, our personality and our physical aptitudes are fixed — that no matter what we do, we won't improve.
Many of us believe that our intelligence, our personality, and our physical aptitudes are fixed — that no matter what we do, we won't improve.
Part of the problem is that the substrate changes over time. No matter what we do at one point in time, it is difficult to predict the future.
Actually these ideas are so simple; I just want to have a person to care me, to pay attention to me no matter where we are, no matter what we do.
The Internet and new information technologies are so powerful that no matter what we do, society will change. But the direction has not been decided.
Our SINS are like blood stains that cling permanently to our clothing, and no matter what we do they eliminate them, they remain to dirty us and make us unclean.
So the G. O. P. argument here is exactly like claiming that my mortgage payments, which I'll have to make no matter what we do tonight, are a cost of going out for dinner.
No matter what we do and how hard we try to influence the world around us, nothing really matters in the end, because life is temporary and we are truly dust in the wind.
No matter what we do and how hard we try to influence the world around us, nothing really matters in the end, because life is temporary and we are truly dust in the wind.