Like the old song says, there's no place like home, not because of the real estate, but because of the sense of shelter and nurture that it provides.
Disappointingly, the whole place was much like here, but with no sense of time and with everything "strung out further" in the thinner atmosphere.
Lots of people experience an incredible sense of relief when everything they need to think about is collected in one place in front of them, no matter how big the pile.
Additionally, the surrounding community lacks a sense of place, where local food producers had no presence in an area full of big brand-name stores.
When I first landed on the land, I could feel no sense of the uneasiness in a strange place, but some familiarity.
In many ways, the world is a ridiculous place, full of crazy things that make no sense at all.
There was no place in the body where you could focus your awareness and have any sense of comfort at all.
There was no place in the body where you could focus your awareness and have any sense of comfort at all.