Enter no shutdown — Allows the port to activate.
输入no shutdown——允许激活端口。
During this interval, no shutdown activity occurs.
They came up with three: a seamless transition with no shutdown at all, a shutdown in October or a shutdown in early January.
To make better use of CPU time, we can create a pool of NHRTs to process the data. By maintaining a pool of running threads, we have no thread startup and shutdown overhead when running.
When a peer closes its socket (resulting in the issuance of a SHUTDOWN primitive), both endpoints are required to close, and no further data movement is permitted in either direction.
No unintended shutdown can occur and all data output is correctly released.
There are no restrictions on the number of nodes that can be shutdown and migrated simultaneously.
Possibly initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.
Still no sign of that so-called snow sequester in the capital city where just the threat of a significant snow was enough to shutdown much of the city.
Short-circuit protection: A short circuit placed between the DC Return and the output shall cause No damage and the power supply shall shutdown.
But when I pick up the phone and found that it has no power the shutdown, and do not know when it might have been a long time.
Authorities did not specify the cause of the shutdown but they did say there were no safety concerns.
For some people, no matter how much they study or how well they know a subject, the stress of exams produces anxiety and even mental shutdown.
Your home very late last night? My phone is automatic shutdown at 12:00, because no one Internet, I slept very early last night.
Your home very late last night? My phone is automatic shutdown at 12:00, because no one Internet, I slept very early last night.