It's a question rather of how we know the author to be there firstly, and secondly, whether or not we should appeal to the authority of an author.
The author of the book, one Agnes Nutter, was not surprised by this, but then, it would have taken an awful lot to surprise Agnes Nutter.
A British author named Vincent Holt published an essay advocating it in 1885, along with a nice selection of menus — moths on toast, anyone? — in a pamphlet called Why Not Eat Insects?
The author of an artifact is not the only one involved in its creation.
"I am an author, a blogger, and a racingcar driver," says Han Han, "but I am not a businessman."
"I am an author, a blogger, and a racingcar driver, " says Han Han, "but I am not a businessman."
More importantly, last time around the it industry was not the victim of an economic crisis, but its cause, says Graham Vickery, author of the OECD report.
But if he told his family that he intended to be an author, he did not convince Papa Sol.
After all, they were not awarding the Best Author on the Planet prize, but an award for which a select group of people were eligible.
William Parker, the senior author of the study and an assistant professor of surgery at Duke, emphasized that this was a hypothesis, not experimental proof.
威廉姆·帕克是美国杜克医学院外科助理教授,他还是这个研究成果的第一作者。 他强调这只是一种假设,不是实验证明。
And an apology does not necessarily signal remorse, adds co-author Madan Pillutla of the London Business School.
Strictly speaking, I am not impersonating this individual, since “Joyce Carol Oates” doesn’t exist, except as an author-identification.
As an example, let's say the author specifies five reviewers; however the whole review process must not take longer than a specific amount of time.
Confucius launched his revolution as an author and orator, not a general.
The information in this article is submitted as a best effort basis as the author understands it and does not represent an official communication from IBM.
本文中的信息完全是作者个人的理解,不代表IBM 的官方交流。
'With the population still growing by about 80 million each year, it's hard not to be alarmed,' said Robert Kunzig, author of an article entitled '7 Billion' in National Geographic magazine.
The author: thinks they are writing a novel not an email.
While mapping an author element to an author instance isn't too bad, there's not grouping element, like authors, that makes it clear that each author belongs to a single collection in a Book instance.
However, if DB2 used the numeric indexes authorIdx1 or authorIdx2, it would not find author ID "TN28" and return an incomplete join result.
但是,如果DB 2使用数值索引authoridx1或authorIdx2,则不会找到authorID“TN28”,并且会返回一个不完全的结果。
“This is actual science, not ‘Avatar, ’ ” said Richard O. Prum, an evolutionary biologist at Yale and co-author of the new study, published in Science.
“这是真实的科学研究,而不是在讨论电影《阿凡达》,”生物进化学者Richard O.Prum和他的研究小组在耶鲁大学发布这一消息时说道。
“This is actual science, not ‘Avatar, ’ ” said Richard O. Prum, an evolutionary biologist at Yale and co-author of the new study, published in Science.
“这是真实的科学研究,而不是在讨论电影《阿凡达》,”生物进化学者Richard O.Prum和他的研究小组在耶鲁大学发布这一消息时说道。