In these days the pre-industrial city in America functioned as a complex and varied organizing element in American life, not as a simple, homogeneous, and static unit.
When the children have a larger number of toys there seems to be a distraction element, and when children are distracted they do not learn or play well.
With a few exceptions, abbreviations and acronyms should not be used in element, attribute, and type names.
However, there is little point in lifting this, since reorganization will be inconsequential for documents with element contents larger than the block size (and should not be performed in general).
Enumeration values should use names only (not Numbers) and the names used for enumeration values must conform to the guidelines for element or attribute names.
Note that the case insensitivity only applies to element and attribute values, not to the tag names themselves.
The XML and FIX element values of a message can also be accessed, but not altered.
In the example listed above, all the components except the root element are localized and not reusable.
Examining the message element, you will notice that the attachment corresponds to a part, not an element, and there are multiple parts although a correct WSDL has only one part per message.
The created element could be optionally returned, but it is not necessary and you chose not to include it.
Each page element and widget should be self-contained and not interfere with other aspects of the page, and this solution will prevent that.
My element is not an SVG element, and as such it needs to live in a different namespace.
More often than not, though, it's easiest to pass in the DOM document element and write your expressions from there.
SGML can seem complex, and HTML (which was really just an element set) was just not powerful enough to identify information.
So you can write concise expressions that consider not only elements and element values, but also attributes, processing instructions, and so on.
To find niem-xsd: Boolean, I can't use the default search on properties, because that only finds element and attribute names, not type names.
要找到niem - xsd:boolean,我不能使用属性上的默认搜索,因为这只找到元素和属性名称,找不到类型名称。
For example, in ballot-election.xml, elements have an allow_writein element that is superfluous to, and not included in, EBIs or REBIs.
比如,在ballot - election . xml中,元素中有一个元素allow _ writein,对于EBT或者REBI,这个元素是多余的,并且它们不包含该元素。
If the Address type did not have a phone element and, therefore, did not reference the urn: listing5 namespace, then this pair, Listings 4 and 5, would be legal.
如果Address类型没有phone元素并且因此没有引用urn:listing 5命名空间,那么清单4和5将是合法的。
In other words, if the parser finds an element with the name "title", the parser knows that it is not a child of an element, and all other element names in this example are ignored.
The pool interface needs to know the size of each individual element and not the type, because it's a malloc-style allocator and doesn't call constructors.
However, I'm not completely satisfied with calling my element nc: Activity, because it is too general and not descriptive enough.
The content element snuck in from the Atom document, and you'd really rather not have it.
In this approach, the senders would provide not only their topics but also the entity declaration and element definition files for the domain.
Attributes do not generate an event, and you can retrieve them from an element.
Copy is not a dynamic facility because no link between the base content element and the destination delivery process or capability pattern is created.
It's useful to note that black and white box attributes are not inherent characteristics of an element.
In other words, these are not the same element even though they look the same and have identical characteristics.
Although not covered in this tip, you can also use type definitions in association with global and local element declarations to improve the readability of your schemas.
The problem is that inline markup is treated as a child element, which is technically true, but it does not let you determine the relations between PCDATA nodes and child element nodes.
问题在于将内联标记作为子元素处理,技术上讲这样是对的,但这样却使您不能决定PC DATA节点和子元素节点之间的关系了。
If you do use namespaces, try to keep all of your namespace declarations on the root element, and do not override your namespace prefixes because that way lies madness.