If, like most writers these days, you're holding down a job to pay the bills, it's not easy to find the time to write.
Your app is not easy to find - app stores make apps easier to find and rate.
It 's not easy to find a regular job, but possible to get some odd ones.
It’s not easy to find fault with a child’s effort to reclaim his lost parent.
My budget is $2500 for a studio in Los angels, but it's not easy to find one.
We all know that it is not easy to find a suitable work in the present society.
It's not easy to find a player of his age who's happy to play on stages like Anfield.
It's not easy to find happiness in ourselves and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.
It's not easy to find happiness on one's own, it's not possible to find happiness on elsewhere.
His room looks like a piece of mud. You are not easy to find the door if you don't look carefully.
The roadside martyr's tomb: The martyr Weibaqun was bored here, but his tomb is not easy to find out now.
However, it is not easy to find out a successful way to research the oceanic effect on the climate change.
You must have been prepared for a long time. Some statistics in this presentation are not easy to find, right?
Virtually everyone has their own dreams, however, it is not easy to find their place in this competitive society.
"It's easy to find work, but not easy to find good work," said He, wearing a thin grey jacket and a flop of gelled hair.
Nearly all of them require hefty financing, which is not easy to find in Washington or in any state capital these days.
Looking into the eyes of hard workers, one can find a unique range of feelings, which is not easy to find anywhere else.
You'll want to limit this variability, however, as it tends to make data unorganized, and thus not easy to find or manage.
There are some wild flowers. It not easy to find some wild flowers and herbs in cities. How natural and beautiful they are!
It is not easy to find out everything about her childhood, besides she herself would wish to put those matters behind her, too.
It is not easy to find lawyers who are able to provide legal services on foreign-related business, in small and medium-sized cities.
Metastatic lung cancer in general showed less respiratory symptoms and sputum blood, sputum cytology is not easy to find cancer cells.
However, most of this information was false. It was not easy to find gold. It was extremely hard work under very difficult conditions.
The duckling looks for food. It is not easy to find any. Soon, there is snow in the air. Winter is coming. The rivers and lakes are very cold.
They're supposed to cover big, important events, and they feel a lot of pressure from their editors, and often it's not easy to find a place for humor.
They're supposed to cover big, important events, and they feel a lot of pressure from their editors, and often it's not easy to find a place for humor.