Notice how desaturated and plain the render looks…not good at all.
However, Joba's arm action is not good at all. There are two major things wrong with it.
Hearing from the doctor that we have cancer and the prognosis is not good at all. Or out of the blue, your spouse decided to leave you for another person.
如果医生的诊断报告我们得了癌症 ,并且前景不乐观,或者你的配偶为了另一个人而离开下你,我们会有天都要塌下来的感觉。
I was not good at my schoolwork, because I wasn't working hard on all subjects.
Facebook says that this data is not available through the API at all, though it might be a good idea for them to put that in writing.
"It is better not to fly at all, but if you really have to then offsets are a good last resort," he said.
“It is better not to fly at all, but if you really have to then offsets are a good last resort, ” he said.
“完全停止乘坐飞机当然更好,但是,如果你确实必须乘坐飞机话,那么,抵消就是最好的终极手段了。” 他说。
What he did not bother to mention is that no business model is any good at all without customers.
But although prices will fall back somewhat, the upshot will be that, in many countries (not all), farmers will produce good crops at prices higher than they have been used to for 20 years.
Not all is doom and gloom. The outside world chortles at a good Indian fiasco, such as the 2010 Commonwealth games, yet pays less attention to successes such as the cricket world cup this year.
I do think Mrs. Long is as good a creature as ever lived -- and her nieces are very pretty behaved girls, and not at all handsome: I like them prodigiously.
我觉得郎格太太这个人真是太好了;她的侄女们都是些规规矩矩的好姑娘,只可惜长得一点也不好看。 我真喜欢她们。
I think of all the moments I have been held back from because I am afraid to experience something just because I might not be good at it or do it right.
With regards to a VC that sees all of the competition, I have found that most VCs are very good at not leaking information across companies.
The air smells of the lords and ladies’ bad perfume and the food on the table, which do not smell good at all when combined.
We are all good at different things so, if you are not good at a particular task, don't worry about it.
Monsieur, you are handsome, you are good-looking, you are witty, you are not at all stupid, you are much more learned than I am, but I bid you defiance with this word: I love you!
If your partner has a strange knack of being able to pick out all the right perfumes, this may not be a good sign at all.
It was a shame that not many people knew about this film because Roberts does a good job of portraying Alex Villard, who runs the academy with a "win at all costs" mentality.
There's no good reason not to install all of these, and at 24 MB or so for a complete installation, you should leave all of these checked and continue.
Unfortunately, many of the people driving all these shiny new cars are themselves new to the practice, and not yet very good at it.
When you have a large number of models in your workspace, it is a good idea not to open them all at the same time, because this will negatively impact performance.
That's not practical. Not practical at all. No good.
You have become a very popular person, and it is not good for my business to have people coming to our home at all hours of the day and night.
For starters, McKinsey says, throwing money at education does not seem to do much good, at least in those countries that already send all their young people to school (see chart).
The qualified PE teacher, said: 'It's very good for babies and not dangerous at all.
The qualified PE teacher, said: 'It's very good for babies and not dangerous at all.