If a man of Darwin's genius could not have come up a more convincing solution than that, some key factor must have been missing from the narrative.
The key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not a divine spark. It's not I.Q., a generally bad predictor of success, even in realms like chess.
Authorities have not yet disclosed the results of an investigation into the cause of that accident, though state media cited officials saying signaling equipment was thought to have been a key factor.
When bandwidth was the key limiting factor, we did not measure any significant improvement in the key user operations that we timed.
But among these people, only 6 percent said they believed their families had not worked hard enough to improve their situation, while 9 percent said a lack of knowledge and skills was a key factor.
Putin said the relations between the two countries are not only of great significance to the two countries, but also a key factor of influencing the current state of the world.
Zeev: I absolutely think it should not change. That was a key success factor for PHP.
I get that it's a TV show (and now two movies) and not steeped in reality, and the whole entertainment factor is key, but is it really entertaining to watch cliche after cliche?
Corporate governance is not only the most important content of the modern corporate institution, but also the key factor to increase the corporate competitive power and running achievement.
The key factors of success is not intelligence, but a psychological factor, or non-intelligence factors.
Creating a subtle building that did not obstruct views of the campus was a key factor in the design process.
Researchers in the Netherlands found that physical distance is a key factor in whether or not the bad behaviour of bosses spreads to their employees.
Judging a person whether he is mature or not, responsibility is the key factor, because only the person with responsibility is worthy of being depended on.
In the end, it is indicated that subway is not the unique factor in winning success for business but the key one.
He is one of the best players around and will be a key factor in deciding whether this game withstands the test of time or not.
The research shows that information factor, seller credit, experience factor, transaction safety factor, purchaser credit factor are key factors influencing whether Internet auction completes or not.
For logistics enterprises, logistics service quality is a key factor which can let the enterprise not out of the market, get a good reputation and gain profit.
The Shuibuya hydroelectric project will be built in gorge morphology on Qingjang River, the gravitation is key factor which decides whether the rock in dam site is stable or not.
The key factor of the success to mouse whole mount RNA in situ hybridization is whether the proteinase K treatment conditions are optimal or not.
Lighting products is a key factor in the performance of the product, not practiced for a long time, the cold hand!
So vegetation restoration research not only can illuminate the key restraint factor of vegetation recover, but can give the theoretic supports to the vegetation eco-system's reconstruction.
They were building on research indicating that, while light is important in setting the body clock, actually seeing it may not be the key factor.
Cost control of construction project, which is regarded by the construction enterprise manager, is the key factor to decide whether the project successful or not.
The key factor which helps modern garment designers achieve success is whether or not they have advanced correct design ideas.
The results have shown that the torque tube unbalance is not a key factor in high speed dynamic balance, but effects the power shaft.
Fracture provides not only accumulation space for oil but also channels for migration of hydrocarbons. It is a key factor to control the production of fracture reservoir.
The elimination of the zero-order diffraction and conjugate image in the digital holography is the key factor influencing whether or not the holography is utilized widely.
This has proved that in SLM-CIR model, the technology of the word segmentation is not a key factor of influencing the performance of models.
这就说明了在SLM - CIR模型中,分词技术不是影响模型性能的关键因素。
This has proved that in SLM-CIR model, the technology of the word segmentation is not a key factor of influencing the performance of models.
这就说明了在SLM - CIR模型中,分词技术不是影响模型性能的关键因素。