So far this year its sales are down by nearly a quarter-a figure not as dreadful as GM's, but much worse than VW's and worse even than Ford's.
I get so I really kind of hate to look in the sack at the end of the day, and I have to admit giving him his goodnight kiss on the lips is not nearly as fun as it used to be.
The cornfield across the road does not seem nearly so tall or so green as it ought to be, given the time of year, but I am not discouraged.
For example, if we were the type of creature that flourished as hermits, the need for trust and friendly cooperation would not be nearly so pressing.
The recession has also changed relations between companies and universities, where recruiting events used to be nearly as prevalent as raucous parties. Not so this year.
It still requires a bit of discipline and commitment, but not nearly so much as making a permanent change.
But not nearly so many as the place needs, given its talent for turning cod into Ph.D.’s.
Though not nearly as rich as Sweden in terms of income per head, it has many more people, so its economy is bigger.
M. Gillenormand would not permit any one to explain to him, that for the preparation of lint batiste is not nearly so good as coarse linen, nor new linen as old linen.
The sinking of the Maine did not matter nearly so much to him as the native Cubans.
At the end of his life, Rousseau acknowledged that it was not nearly so easy as he had assumed to follow the Delphic oracle's injunction to "know thyself."
As you get further beyond the breakers, the swells are not nearly so large, so swimming becomes much easier.
The dynamics of how these beliefs interact with one another is not nearly so simple as I'm making it sound.
The shortened version of AHR does not bind nearly so easily to PCBs. It still, however, seems to work as a transcription factor. The result is fish that are more or less immune to PCB poisoning.
Young scientists cannot realize too soon that existing scientific knowledge is not nearly so complete, certain and unalterable as many textbooks seem to imply.
年轻的科学家应该着重注意,那些存在的科学知识并没有一些类似的书本说得那么完美,那么肯定,那么一层不变! ~。
The shortened version of AHR does not bind nearly so easily to PCBs. It still, however, seems to work as a transcription factor.
这个缩减版本的AHR难以和PC B结合,不过看来依然能发挥转录因子的作用。
Nearly four decades later, our power to alter the environment is considered so profound as to define a new geological age, and even water is not exempt.
The message: Not only do we need to think about risk as well as reward, but also we shouldn't be nearly so confident in our predictive powers.
As you might expect from your contact with the real world, typical design problems are not nearly so tightly constrained.
Communicative Language teaching has been introduced into China for middle school English teaching for nearly a decade. But the effect is not so satisfactory as it had been expected.
Communicative Language teaching has been introduced into China for middle school English teaching for nearly a decade. But the effect is not so satisfactory as it had been expected.