Traditionally, dietary patterns recommended for health have been low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets, which generally are not palatable.
Death is ugly, and we cannot-indeed, should not-try to make it palatable or explain it away with pious platitudes.
Of course, legions of frustrated investors in China would rate advancing even this far a success - but that does not make the regulatory hurdles any more palatable.
If you have lots of LPARs on a frame, the down-time required for the restore may not be palatable in some case, such as if you have systems that are not clustered for High Availability.
The conclusion of this study might not be palatable to all clinicians, admitted the lead investigator.
The fact that raw meat is almost universally cooked to make it palatable and digestible suggests that prepromethean man did not eat it in large amounts.
Conventional treatment will often include prescription diets that are frequently bland and not very palatable.
How can a message of the provision of choice in a free market society not be palatable?
They're really quite remarkable. It's not unlike what the Turner Broadcasting Network does with old movies, colorizing them in order to make them more palatable to a modern audience.
Almost no prior mathematical knowledge is assumed and through lively exposition and lucid explanations real mathematics is made not only palatable, but even enjoyable to the uninitiated.
Almost no prior mathematical knowledge is assumed and through lively exposition and lucid explanations real mathematics is made not only palatable, but even enjoyable to the uninitiated.