As an alternative to short selling, you can buy a credit default swap, which is a form of insurance on debt-not necessarily your own debt.
Germany today extended its ban on naked short-selling - trading an asset that one does not own - on financial stocks to the rest of the market.
He also defended short-selling, arguing that it was a valuable component of financial markets and did not drive companies out of business.
Banning short selling did not stop shares from falling, but it did make the market more volatile.
Not coincidentally, perhaps, Utah is home to an online retailer led by Patrick Byrne, one of the most vocal critics of short selling.
Bank shares have fallen back towards their lows during the 2008-09 crisis, a decline that has not been halted by short-selling bans in some parts of Europe.
银行股再探08 ~09年金融危机时的最低点,就连欧洲部分国家推行的卖空禁令也无法力挽狂澜。
Short selling mechanism not only can move price to levels justified by fundamentals, and help to improve market efficiency, but to some extent can decrease the manipulation behavior of the insider.
This paper discusses the order and selling inventory model of constant demand, limited-space warehouse, short-supply not allowed, lot-size discount and time-needed supplying.
If you're not doing something you love or at least like for a living, you're selling yourself short.
A linear programming model for the risk minimization of portfolios in which short selling is not allowed is also put forward.
A linear programming model for the risk minimization of portfolios in which short selling is not allowed is al...
A linear programming model for the risk minimization of portfolios in which short selling is not allowed is al...