Try not to avoid talking to a child because you are uncomfortable with your own feelings.
But the answer is not to avoid starches, but to restore the body's ability to use them.
The important goal is not to avoid disagreements or differing views but to resolve them constructively.
Great cause is rooted in the tenacity of the work, to the full spirit to engage in, not to avoid the hard.
He said he was raised not to avoid people of other RACES but not to mix with them socially or romantically.
He added: "I want to be very clear that our goal is to construct a legitimate legal framework for guantanamo detainees - not to avoid one."
Real life is not to avoid the noise, but repairing the fence for chrysanthemum, in the heart of homely fare, vegetarian Pouilly is happiness.
The principle is not to avoid activities involving danger, but to prepare students both by technical training and physical fitness to deal with the risk competently.
The dietary laws are presented by the priests not as a sensible way to avoid various diseases that are caused by the lack of refrigeration in the desert.
Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman should not go out.
Birds prefer not to take any chances—and to steer clear of all insects that look, sound, or fly like a bumblebee to avoid being stung.
We have to test a number of blade types to avoid this happening or at least make sure it does not damage the turbines or reduce performance.
Extremely sensitive information should not be traced, and you should try to avoid auditing it if you can.
To avoid hurting the thousands of crested ibises that fly near one part of the railway, protective nets have been set up along the tracks to make sure the birds will not fly into a train.
Only flush the toilet when necessary: this means to not use the toilet as a garbage to avoid wasting water.
"Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise," said Dr. Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body.
While it may sound safe to avoid all physical contact so as not to offend anyone, the lack of touching might imply cold attitudes or indifference in interpersonal relationships.
Other golden rules counsel us to master ourselves, to avoid excess and not to be a prosperous fool.
Children are told not to use bad words to avoid bringing misfortune in the year ahead.
But Yahoo may not be able to avoid a buyout by Microsoft.
And while it's often easy to rewrite calls to the shell so that the shell isn't even involved, it's not practical to avoid SQL requests.
He decided not to sit in jurors' line of sight to avoid causing bias.
Our goal is not only to avoid that, but to have the repository provide value and be itself an asset to the business.
'It's not always feasible for dieters to avoid or alter the environments in which they typically overeat,' Miss Wood said.
This way it will be available for the joins, but not visible to users, which will avoid confusion and clutter.
Some users choose to hide their identity to avoid being found by people they would not like to be contacted by.
Uncertainty is intrinsic to the process of finding out what you don't know, not a weakness to avoid.
Uncertainty is intrinsic to the process of finding out what you don't know, not a weakness to avoid.