We know that the ultimate objective of the transaction is not to earn money, but they live to more meaningful.
Coming into Chinese express market, their targets are not to earn money in the short period, but for the return in the long time.
We all work together on a voluntary basis, as the feeling is that if the motivation to come along is to help others and not to earn money, then the ACTS are much purer.
His father could not earn enough money to give his family a good life.
'Although I don't sit around thinking about money, I do sit around thinking how I'm going to earn it — when I'm not writing poetry.
Two in five were worried about money, saying they did not earn enough, and 32% felt under pressure to marry and have children by the age of 30.
Get organized, learn how not to spend more than you earn, and you'll soon find thinking about money makes you a lot less anxious.
This is not the most pleasant choice as it's how you earn money to buy things and to live. But my point is you still have a choice.
I do not know anyone who is loaded, or extremely rich. Most of my friends work to earn enough money to live.
If you want and need to earn only a little money from a part-time or retirement business, the income equation will not factor as heavily as other issues.
If you're not a professional writer, pocket money is probably all you'll ever want to earn from your words.
So selling the rations seems the natural thing to do-not, one adds earnestly, that they are given too much. Rather, it is the only way to earn money to pay for other needs.
The goal is not just to save lives, but to change them. The Institute hopes some entrepreneurs might earn some money with these ideas.
It is clear that, in order to earn some money in this area, you should not use words with a clear given meaning.
A million dollars is not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things, but it certainly is if you're trying to earn it in a small market with limited opportunities.
"My heart is not at peace, but I need to earn money to survive," Mu says. "When people ask about my family, I don't like to reply."
Not a hit with advertisers, these online worlds earn most of their money from the sale of virtual goods, such as items to spruce up an avatar or a private room.
Because of their small home, no land, only to earn money by working outside, his father, and not have their own house, to rent out.
If they can't find qualified guides, their brochures ought to read not 'We offer local Chinese guides' but 'We offer some Chinese guy who wants to earn some money'.
They will use money carefully, otherwise, the money they earn would not afford for their expense, because they have to afford the housing debt every month.
The money is not so easy for us to earn, we work so hard to make our living.
Often people prefer not to talk about money and to be discreet about how much they earn but this can often leave them at a real disadvantage.
A people who do not have to earn money, often not greedy; Have people with money to two.
And so people are not desperately forced in the way they were five, six years ago to leave the farm in order to earn enough money for their families, in order to help support their families at home.
Incidentally, an interesting phenomenon, made money the people put their experience to those who do not earn money or earn less people.
Incidentally, an interesting phenomenon, made money the people put their experience to those who do not earn money or earn less people.