It is no exaggeration to say that Meyer has sparked an entire Twilight industry, not to mention a dubiously titled literary genre called Fang Bang fiction.
It's a waste of a precious mineral - not to mention money - to take your car in every 3,000 miles or three months, experts say. On average, most cars don't need an oil change for 7,500 miles.
你实际上是在浪费珍贵的资源- - -并不是指浪费金钱,而是指在汽车每行驶3000英里或者你的驾驶时间达到三个月的时候,便去更换机油的行为。专家称,平均来说,大多数的车在行驶了7500英里的时候才有必要更换机油。
It's a waste of a precious mineral - not to mention money - to take your car in every 3, 000 miles or three months, experts say. On average, most cars don't need an oil change for 7, 500 miles.
你实际上是在浪费珍贵的资源- - -并不是指浪费金钱,而是指在汽车每行驶3000英里或者你的驾驶时间达到三个月的时候,便去更换机油的行为。专家称,平均来说,大多数的车在行驶了7500英里的时候才有必要更换机油。
In cases where there's no mention of limits on use, the best way to deal with it is to credit it and say that it's not for commercial purposes on your blog.
We're not used to guests is what I was about to say but now that you mention it I happen to quite like the women of the outback.
Receive a surname too need to say words, just listen to rather the words of sun also not is mention again so much what, but Li Shi premier the one step began to excuse to depart.
You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you fail to mention when questioned anything that you later rely on in court.
He looked thrilled to be there, and he was full of energy - not to mention sporting several different pairs of what I must say were terribly fancy pants.
This advice also tells applicants not to say "mistakes" but to mention their "valuable lessons".
This advice also tells applicants not to say "mistakes" but to mention their "valuable lessons".