Adds the companion not to surpass in the total heat the need.
But the attention watermelon puts in the refrigerator not to surpass for 3 hours.
He said his goal is not to surpass the opening ceremony in Beijing, but to show the uniqueness of Guangzhou.
Before the boiler exhaust enters the static electricity dust removal the temperature not to surpass 150 degrees.
The goal was to restore the status quo ante, the golden age, not to surpass it, because it could not be surpassed.
That is, we want it to become one of the few major industrial powers in the world, but not to surpass all the other countries.
Successs and failure was standing on the same starting line, just beyond their own success, and fail not to surpass my own, because of this, the results of the two completely different.
The volume of exports from Latin America and Asia did not surpass its pre-crisis peak until the first quarter of this year, according to the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis.
荷兰经济政策局(NetherlandsBureaufor Economic Policy)分析,拉丁美洲和亚洲的出口总额到今年第一季度才超过上一次危机中的峰值。
When arcing, please do not surpass ten minutes continuously, to avoid damaging this product from overheated.
The porpoise happy knot team roams, the speed may amount to above 40 kilometers, they dive not deeply, the diving time cannot surpass 10 minutes.
Useful life of breeding flock ram should not surpass 4 years according to inbreeding increment.
Let us work for this direction, continue to surpass themselves, to improve their level and when not to slack off.
According to the prescription of the physician. it should not surpass the indicated dose. Here is some mixture for you to drink.
Jordan and Magic can disapprove of James' decision all they want, but winning absolves everything, and the Heat will win. Just not enough for LeBron to surpass Kobe.
The integration in law and society, not only making the law theory to be more large-scale, but also providing comprehensive and multi-dimension methods for researching the law to surpass tradition.
Not until more than 1,000 years later, did scientists in the West come up to and surpass the achievements of Zu Chongzhi.
These are characteristics that surpass analysis, and there are many people living disease-free today who, according to the charts and graphs, should not be alive at all.
From this goes to each main scenic spot, the walk does not surpass 45 minutes.
Generally speaking, artistic languages more often than not surpass formal logic and stick to its special law.
Therefore please remember, drinks do not surpass six points to be drunk, eats meal do not surpass seven point full, likes a person not being probable to surpass eight points.
China 'not trying to surpass US' in Middle East: Envoy.
Therefore, our level of vigilance in identifying sepsis and septic shock needs to mimic, if not surpass, our vigilance for identifying myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism.
It belongs to the toy dog, is not big, generally the body high does not surpass 33 centimeters.
Not many cities in the world surpass Shanghai as a perfect city to visit, to work, to live and to enjoy life.
I cried. I wanted to give up until I watched the video again. I suddenly realized the real bottleneck. "I did not surpass myself. I have to move myself first then I can really move others."
I 12 years old started to the present not to have to speak well with family's in person surpass a half hour.
There is little difference between red glass and rubies to a child of six, and I remember wearing that ring with a pride that all the cards in the world could not surpass.
There is little difference between red glass and rubies to a child of six, and I remember wearing that ring with a pride that all the cards in the world could not surpass.