At the end of every day, jot down a brief note on how peppy or tired you felt.
Before we left, he put a note on the windshield of the car with his phone number on it.
Put the word "Breath" as a screensaver or desktop pic, or put it up as a note on your wall, fridge, or your desk.
Note on this example of logging into Sybase ase.
Michael makes a note on the blueprints: 11121147.
A note on the contradictions within XPath predicates.
A note on Pthreads scheduling and compiler optimization.
There is usually a note on the door of conference room, which reads "close your handset."
In the morning Fillmore would shake me roughly and leave a ten franc note on the pillow.
Note on a chart when these activities were performed, with whom, and how stimulating they were.
There is a post-it-note on my bathroom mirror it’s 6 years old and the ink is fading, it reads
Another note on max_execution_time: This refers to the CPU time of the process, not the absolute time.
关于max_execution _ time,还有一点需要注意:它表示进程的CPU时间,而不是绝对时间。
Write it down and place it somewhere you will see it, even if it's a Post-It note on your keyboard.
If you happen to stumble upon one, feel free to contact me or leave a note on the comments section.
On Friday we'll cover tracking your passwords somewhere more secure than that sticky note on your monitor.
For example, the first note on page 3 of a diagram would be referenced as (3a), the second (3b), and so forth.
比如在流程图表的第三页中的第一个的注解可以表示为:(3a),第二个可以表示为:(3 b),依此类推。
Now, there will be some things you’ll want to note on a calendar (I use Google Calendar, accessible from anywhere).
We started with a note on the importance of security in a distributed environment and an overview of DCE security model.
Tip: put the word "Breathe" as a screensaver or desktop PIC, or put it up as a note on your wall or fridge or on your desk.
The note on SOAP submitted to the W3C defines two major items that SOAP contains in addition to its basic XML-RPC features.
提交给W3C的有关SOAP的说明定义了除了基本的XML -RPC特性之外SOAP所包含的两项主要项。
A lengthy note on gives a little more background and explains why finding common ground with website markup is so important.
One time I came home to find a note on the front door that led me to another note, then another, until I reached the walk-in closet.
A final note on starting processes with nice; as with the nohup command, you cannot use a command list or a pipeline as the argument of nice.
As a final note on its limitations, JiBX currently offers relatively weak validation support compared to many of the other data binding frameworks.
Always make sure you composea personal note on the card. Even if you are sending the flowers anonymously, leave a clue about who they could be from.
Keep some focus when choosing platforms. For the rest, place a note on your profile with contact information and links to your favorite social profiles.
Please note on the affidavit that you'll be required to indemnify the bank ,for any possible losses it may incur as a result of transferring the funds to a new account .
In addition to the Museum of Modern art's blockbuster retrospective on Willem DE Kooning, opening Sept. 18, here are seven more art exhibitions to note on your calendar.
In addition to the Museum of Modern art's blockbuster retrospective on Willem DE Kooning, opening Sept. 18, here are seven more art exhibitions to note on your calendar.