Remember to place a semicolon to separate any existing arguments from the newly added Lotus Domino or Lotus Notes installation path.
Again, remember to place a semicolon to separate any existing arguments from the newly added Lotus Domino or Lotus Notes installation path.
You can view the Installation prerequisites, and the Release Notes from here or go directly to the installation.
Some ATF releases (including V0.1) contain special installation notes at the end describing the installation of additional files.
A link to the installation notes for PDT is provided in the Resources section.
The examples that are provided refer to a database created with the Discussion template that is included with the Notes client installation.
Through the typical client installation process, the Notes client is configured to leverage the server-based mail database and directory information.
A better approach to keep user passwords synchronized is available through the single sign-on (SSO) feature during installation of the Lotus Notes client (see figure 13).
利用LotusNotes客户机安装过程中的单点登录(singlesign - on, SSO)功能(参见图13),可以获得一种保持用户密码同步的更好方法。
You have the plug-in, you have the feature, and you have the Eclipse update site. Now the only thing to do is to enable the installation of features in the Lotus Notes V8 user interface.
Lotus Notes 8.5 adds support for installation and use on Mac OS.
LotusNotes 8.5增加了面向Mac OS的安装和使用支持。
This kit is applicable on the Microsoft Windows operating system only as there is no Lotus Notes basic configuration installation kit for the Mac OS or Linux operating systems.
Lotus Notes 8.5 adds support for installation and use with Citrix software.
LotusNotes 8.5增加了通过Citrix软件实现安装和使用的支持。
To access the toolkit installation instructions, release notes, and other documentation, open the autorun.html file in your browser of choice.
要访问工具箱安装说明、版本说明和其他文档,在浏览器中打开autorun .html文件。
For detailed installation instructions, consult the release notes on the Familiar Web site.
The installation notes will walk you through the "lpar2rrd to HMC" SSH communications setup.
安装说明会指导您完成“lpar2rrd toHMC ”SSH通信设置。
Please check the following OSS notes for the latest updates on installation.
A progress bar will appear and display notes from the installer regarding the progress of the installation.
For information concerning temperature limitations, refer to the installation notes supplied with each ETP Electron Multipliers.
Please see the Rails 2.3 Release Notes for a complete list of updates. Installation is accomplish with
请参看Rails 2.3发布说明来了解完整的更新列表。
More information about installation can also be found in the release notes that can downloaded with the installer.
Instrument installation detail drawings shall reflect taps in accordance with these notes.
Two points of notes to series CSL160B microprocessor based protections for operation, installation and maintenance on site are proposed in this paper.
从CSL160 B系列微机保护装置现场运行及安装检修的角度,提出了两点需注意的问题。
Here are some notes on how I got it working (except for the index page which still isn't completely as expected) on an ubuntu hardy installation.
这里是我知道了如何在u buntu顽强的工作安装(除用于索引页仍然没有完全如预期)一些笔记。
Here are some notes on how I got it working (except for the index page which still isn't completely as expected) on an ubuntu hardy installation.
这里是我知道了如何在u buntu顽强的工作安装(除用于索引页仍然没有完全如预期)一些笔记。