Patients with strokes or other damage to Wernicke's area are able to talk freely, but they cannot comprehend language, and nothing they say makes any sense.
Silences may be thoughtful, or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say.
It would be a mistake, some generals say, for commanders to believe the convenient fiction of their success and assume they have nothing to learn.
Most smokers say that they find nothing more enjoyable and relaxing as smoking. They say that smoking clears their head and eliminates any negative thoughts.
They say nothing in intelligence reports suggests that Russia's military posture is now more threatening; a confrontational stand by NATO would just abet the Kremlin's hawks.
She lives near her mother and they are close, but whenever she was alone with her father, in a car driving somewhere, they had nothing to say to each other.
In fact, most nutritionists are adamant that babies are best off with nothing but breast milk for the first six months of life (they used to recommend four months, but now say six months).
Such mistakes may say something about the utterer (or may not), but they almost certainly tell us nothing about the candidate.
But in games of chance, near misses are meaningless. They say nothing about the future likelihood of winning.
"Gadhafi kills people just to stay in power," they say. "But nothing will happen to you."
“It’s all very nice to say that people have nothing against girls, ” Guilmoto said. “But if they really want a son, there’s no better way than to try again.”
The company is absolutely legal and if the police accidentally finds several frozen corpses inside the building they will have nothing to say.
While clever girls should aim high, there is nothing wrong with them working part-time or not at all when they have children, she will say.
What is actually happening however is that the participant may be unwilling to say that they experienced nothing out of fear of failure or of disappointing the researcher.
Traditionally retailers measure “footfall”, as the number of people entering a store is known, but those numbers say nothing about where people go and how long they spend there.
A new administration is always a feeding-frenzy, but seasoned observers say that they have seen nothing like this scramble for employment.
Yet that's what you hear from many pundits these days: high unemployment is "structural," they say, and requires long-term solutions (which means, in practice, doing nothing).
Academics like professor Francis say they need some 300 people a year to donate their brains to help find cures and treatments for Alzheimer's, but nothing like that number are coming forward.
They say that if a point in the parsing process is reached, nothing else except the current rule could match.
It's all or nothing, they say: all the Bush tax cuts must be extended.
Silence intimidates them and they feel aneed to fill it, even if they have nothing to say.
Even if a meal to drink when they are not to be forgotten at a near plug, I can only say you bored? Nothing else to say.
If there is one thing you can say for the Apple Marketing Department it is that they love nothing better than taking subtle swipes at Microsoft.
Then, they seemed to say, if nothing happened.
This is, of course, assuming they don't suffocate, say, if you dropped them from 40,000 feet, and that they land on relatively flat ground (nothing pointy or the like).
"In the face of all this they actually stood up by and did nothing." — "You don't say so!"
Many ordinary people are scared of blogging because they feel that they have nothing to say, says Ms Trott.
Many ordinary people are scared of blogging because they feel that they have nothing to say, says Ms Trott.