Now, it's the third day of the exhibition. How do you feel about the exhibition?
Come here now and tell me how it came about that you found yourself in the hands of the Assassins.
The biological project is now in trouble, you know, my colleague and I have completely different ideas about how to proceed.
Now think about the subject that you enjoy so much and decide how it can be turned into your hobby.
I have now come to realize that being boring, in actuality, is not only about who you are as a person, but also how you present yourself.
Perhaps your friend told you how great you look now that you've lost a few pounds, or your first clients raved about what a great job you did for them.
Perhaps you now understand more about how SSO works and the infrastructure choices you can make to accommodate users known by more than one name.
Now here's a classic story about how the Westminster lobby works - and why you shouldn't always believe everything you read in the newspapers.
The result is that where once we looked at money, cars and houses as the symbols of success, now, it's all about how busy you are--especially for women.
Now that you have seen the business object definitions, you might ask about simple types and how attributes are modeled.
If you haven't thought yet about how virtualization changes the very nature of the data center, I recommend doing so now.
Now that you know a little about SCA and how you find and invoke services, you need to understand how the data used in the invocation is represented.
We actually asked two different questions about tabs: How many do you have open now, and How many do you typically have open?
Now that you understand how structure is defined in CAM, it's time to learn a little more about how business rules are enforced.
But now you might wonder: if you don’t know about whether anaction is right or wrong by your senses, then how
Now that you know a little bit about how the Google Buzz API works, let's put together a simple web application that demonstrates how to use it interactively.
Now that you know the search engine information about your Web site, how do you go about telling it more?
Now if you were on that same date and felt confident, believed in yourself, and were having fun. How do you think your date would feel about you?
Think about how you would feel if your partner were to tell you, "Now I understand why you're so critical."
What's more, if you think about how to survive now, you'll be well prepared to change direction if the need arises.
Now that you've thought a bit about who needs access to data and how they retrieve it, you can think about security.
About twenty years ago-I wasn't much older than you are now-how old are you?
Now there's a way, but depending on how you feel about ads, it may not be worth the hassle.
Now here's an interesting question: to what extent do you play up to these expectations about how they view you?
Which goes back to that first question you asked about how come now we're so worried about this.
Now that I've scared you (hopefully), let's talk about how to protect systems from these attacks.
Remember all the times you bitched and moaned about how Industrial Designers are “jacks of all trades and masters of none”? Well now you know where to start!
So now that we know our bodies are autonomic (and we're happy about that), now imagine how happy you would be if these characteristics were part of a database.
Now that you are dying to improve your mind by learning a foreign language you are probably wondering how to go about doing it.
Think about how many gadgets you have now and didn't have five years ago.